NumEconCopenhagen / projects-2023-icehot1

projects-2023-icehot1 created by GitHub Classroom
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Feedback #1

Open AndersRosman opened 1 year ago

AndersRosman commented 1 year ago

1: In general, the code in Question 2 is well-structured and easy to understand, with clear comments that explain each step of the process. The use of descriptive variable names and concise code also adds to the elegance of the solution. The plot allows for a clear visualization of the relationship between the variables, and may provide insights into how households make decisions about allocating their time and resources between market work and home production, as well as how changes in relative wage rates affect these decisions.

2: The comments included in Question 1 are useful in understanding the purpose of each section. One suggestion could be to add a comment explaining the HouseholdSpecializationModelClass() and its source. The for loop that iterates over the alpha and sigma values may be difficult to understand for those unfamiliar with the enumerate() function or index calculation.

3: Code comments can make it easier to understand what each line of code does. Adding comments to explain the purpose of specific lines or blocks of code, or to clarify decision-making, can be helpful.

4: An idea for improvement could be to add detailed explanations or comments throughout the code, particularly in more complex or difficult-to-understand areas. This would make the code more accessible to others who may want to modify or use it in the future. For instance, comments in the plot_data function could explain the plt.subplot function and how the for loop is used to plot different columns of data. Additionally, comments could be added to the calculate_statistics function to explain the calculations being performed and how the statistical measures are related.

5: One possible extension to the code in Question 1 would be to add a slider that allows users to interactively modify the values of alpha and sigma, observing real-time changes in the plot of the HF_lis/HM_lis ratio. This could provide a more engaging and informative way for users to explore the model and its results.

BjornAsgeirGudmundsson commented 1 year ago

Thank you for this valuable feedback :)