Numbertext / libnumbertext

Number to number name and money text conversion libraries in C++, Java, JavaScript and Python & LibreOffice Calc Extension
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[pl] Wrong ordinal spelling? #40

Open tengwar opened 5 years ago

tengwar commented 5 years ago

I'm using the online demo. In Polish it spells 75 as "siedemdziesiąt piąty" and 44 as "czterdzieści czwarty". I'm not a language expert but everyone I know says "siedemdziesiąty piąty" and "czterdziesty czwarty". When I try just 70 or 40, the results are correct ("siedemdziesiąty" and "czterdziesty").

(For feminine and neuter forms it would be "siedemdziesiąta piąta" and "siedemdziesiąte piąte" respectively.)

laszlonemeth commented 5 years ago

Fixed in the data file, and it will be fixed also on the demo page soon. Thanks for your bug report.

tengwar commented 5 years ago

I see you've added cases for "-eści" and "-siąt" but there's also "dwadzieścia", for example "dwadzieścia dwa" (22) - "dwudziesty drugi" (22nd).

And by testing this i noticed another issue: ordinal of 20 shows as "dwadziesty" but it should be "dwudziesty".

I've also noticed potential issues with larger numbers, e.g. ordinal of 200 000 shows as "dwieścietysięczny" but I'm not sure if it should be "dwustutysięczny" (which is in common use) or "dwieście tysięczny" which - as some guy argues here - is correct according to general rules of ordinals. I guess a language specialist should take a look at it.

laszlonemeth commented 5 years ago

Thanks, I have reopened this issue, many thanks for the detailed source.

tengwar commented 5 years ago

The source seems more like "what is theoretically correct according to general grammar rules", not "what people are actually using" and not "what is in the dictionaries". That's why I said a language specialist should take a look at it.

But I'm certain when it comes to the "20" issue. :)