NumeriusNegidius / Context-Search

A Firefox WebExtension that displays a context menu, that searches for the selected text.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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using keyword to context search, or searching for search engines. (Feature request) #69

Closed brain8891 closed 5 years ago

brain8891 commented 5 years ago

after selecting the text > right clicking on it > And then right clicked on [Search for" example text..."] > then typed one of the keywords of the search engines in "Searches" folder > then hit enter> it would search in with that search engine.

Reason: If a user have many websites organized in many folders, it will help them context search faster. Please continue to the example.

Example: 0- having added to the "Searches" folder with "Abrv" as a keyword. 1- Selecting "TLDR" on a webpage. 2- right clicking on it. 3- right clicking on [Search for" TLDR"]. 4- a small preview window appears. 5- typing abrv 6- hitting enter 7- going to

Additionally, it should also suggest search engines without a keyword, for example if you typed "Ab" it would suggest " "

How it is for me right now:

I have to select > click on [Search for "TLDR"]> Lingual>English>Dictionaries>

Thank you for your hard work.

NumeriusNegidius commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the proposal. This seems a bit convoluted IMO, and especially for those that doesn't have a ton of search engines and/or doesn't remember the keywords. Since I believe this feature would appeal only to a handful of users, I'm hesitant to add more complexity to the code with this feature.
