NumyAddon / TalentLoadoutManager
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Edge case when importing a loadout #24

Closed emptyrivers closed 2 weeks ago

emptyrivers commented 2 weeks ago

It's possible to bamboozle TLM into not allowing you to name a loadout which you're importing:

  1. Create a new (non-blizzard) loadout. Ensure that it is the "currently selected custom loadout".
  2. Import a loadout copied from icywowdisveinsheadcord. Enable the "Import into currently selected custom loadout" option, and click Import. Allow the talent change to take effect.
  3. Create a new (blizzard) loadout, and swap to it.
  4. Import another loadout copied from icywowdisveinsheadcord. Notice that you are not given the option to set the custom loadout's name. If you confirm the import, then the custom loadout will be named *importing into current loadou.

Issue can be worked around by loading a custom loadout, and then opening the import dialog and unchecking "Import into currently selected custom loadout".

Numynum commented 2 weeks ago

Interesting.. I appreciate the clear steps, should make it much easier to find and fix the problem ^^

Numynum commented 2 weeks ago

fixed in latest release 👍