NunoDasNeves / slp-to-mp4

Convert slippi replay files for Super Smash Bros Melee to videos
MIT License
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File not found #19

Open Totobal5 opened 1 year ago

Totobal5 commented 1 year ago

Traceback (most recent call last): File "e:\slp-to-mp4-master\slp2mp4\", line 217, in main() File "e:\slp-to-mp4-master\slp2mp4\", line 213, in main record_file_slp(slp_file, outfile) File "e:\slp-to-mp4-master\slp2mp4\", line 79, in record_file_slp video_file, audio_file =, num_frames) File "e:\slp-to-mp4-master\slp2mp4\", line 224, in run self.prep_dolphin_settings() File "e:\slp-to-mp4-master\slp2mp4\", line 161, in prep_dolphin_settings with open(gale01_ini_path, 'r') as f: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'e:\slp-to-mp4-master\slp2mp4\User-31a785c4-57f1-42dc-9953-4528f0520d14\GameSettings\GALE01.ini'

davisdude commented 1 year ago

It's very difficult to help with how little information you've given. Which version of Slippi are you using? Which version of slp-to-mp4? What OS are you using (seems to be Windows)?

Also, I'll eventually make a PR to fix this at some point, but I may have fixed the issue on my branch already.

Totobal5 commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the litle information, i am using windows 10, i am using the master branch of this repo. My config file is the following

{ "melee_iso": "C:/Program Files/Slippy/SSBMv102.iso", "dolphin_dir": "C:/Users/toot/AppData/Roaming/Slippi Launcher/playback/", "ffmpeg": "C:/ffmpeg-2022-09-15-git-3f0fac9303-full_build/bin/ffmpeg.exe", "resolution": "720p", "widescreen": true, "bitrateKbps": 16000, "parallel_games": "recommended", "remove_short": true, "combine": true }

and i am in the last version of Slippy (Ishiiruka) 2.5.2

davisdude commented 1 year ago

Ah, I see. Seems like they're not using the GALE01.ini anymore for some reason (but will still leave it if it was there before, which is how I never noticed it I guess). I can fix this on my branch (and attempt a PR here), but it might be better to switch to my fork of it, since this project hasn't seen any active maintenance in a while as far as I can tell.

davisdude commented 1 year ago

Here's my fix for it by the way