NunoLinhares / Web-8.5-Quick-Install

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Has the URL for the DXA zip file changed? #18

Closed tjnicolaides closed 6 years ago

tjnicolaides commented 6 years ago

The URL appears to be redirecting to an AppStore entry at

What I see happening at this point is an empty zip file being downloaded and unzipped at c:\path\to\this\script\ . I am taking the manual step of downloading / unzipping to that location in the meantime, unless there is a more reliable URL to be using for $setupOptions.URL_DXA ?

NunoLinhares commented 6 years ago

Wow, this must have changed in the last week, as I used this script to deploy a server last Thursday. Let me find an alternative.

NunoLinhares commented 6 years ago

Can you try using this instead?

tjnicolaides commented 6 years ago

The workaround I described seemed to work, FWIW. Just now at the point of trying to get the staging site to work on port 82

tjnicolaides commented 6 years ago

That URL seems to work in a private tab with no active session, and when unzipped appears to have content identical to the one I downloaded. Seems promising

NunoLinhares commented 6 years ago

This one works too: (I just tried it from powershell) I will make this change in the script. This one actually redirects to the S3 link above.

NunoLinhares commented 6 years ago

Fixed with new link in Quick-Install-Options.ps1