Nutlope / roomGPT

Upload a photo of your room to generate your dream room with AI.
MIT License
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Room picture generation never finish on the webpage but finished in the replicate? #69

Closed mmtechhk closed 1 year ago

mmtechhk commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the support. I have successfully clone the project, fix the DB connection issue, google login issue, and the tab issue (by comment the following line of code in[ dream.tsx], tags: [data?.remainingGenerations > 3 ? "paid" : "free"],)

However, after logging in and updating my photo, I haven't seen any changes. I checked the replication status and it's finished, but the webpage keeps hanging and loading. Can anyone help me with this final step?


Keep waiting on this page: image

Replicate resule is good: image

R3P-tech commented 1 year ago

Same as #66

mmtechhk commented 1 year ago

@R3P-tech You have the solution or not?

Nutlope commented 1 year ago

Hey all. I've just simplified the repo to remove auth and payments so you can clone and deploy very easily, only with a Replicate environment variable. Try it out and if you still have any problems, please open a new issue and I will take a look!