As an auditor I would like to know if any transaction violates a specific rule ("e.g. Show me all the transactions from persons/companies who were NOT the owner of an asset at the time of the transaction") in order to determine the consequences of such actions (e.g. start an investigation, extended audit etc.).
Acceptance Criteria
Transactions are ordered from newest to oldest (newest on top)
There is a specific page in the dashboard where the following pieces of information are presented:
For a specific product ID (given by Auditor) the list of all changeOwner transactions with timestamp
For a specific product ID (....) the list of changes in inventory for the previous owner for the specific product type (derived from product ID)
For a specific product ID (....) the list of changes in inventory for the intended owner for the specific product type (derived from product ID)
There should be a date and time range filter when showing results so that only transactions within that range are displayed
Example for validation: Logistics company has to deliver 100 cheese packages (ID: CHEESE999) to wholesaler at 2 pm on 1.1.2021. Currently it is 1 pm. The inventory for product ID CHEESE999 is at 1 pm exactly 100 (attribute "quantity"=100) for the logistics company. At 2 pm the transaction completes so we have the configuration:
As an auditor I would like to know if any transaction violates a specific rule ("e.g. Show me all the transactions from persons/companies who were NOT the owner of an asset at the time of the transaction") in order to determine the consequences of such actions (e.g. start an investigation, extended audit etc.).
Acceptance Criteria