Nuvotion-Visuals / Harmony

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Construct living realms through realtime stable diffusion inpainting #116

Closed tom-leamon closed 1 year ago

tom-leamon commented 1 year ago

Propose an algorithm based on the details above that would allow a user to construct living interactive realms through real time stable diffusion by a user telling an AI assistant how they would like to shape their realm. This could include letting the user specifying details of the environment, locations of buildings, characters, stories, game mechanics, etc. The AI would also have the capability to embody the NPCs by synthesizing their dialog in real time and giving them a unique voice.

tom-leamon commented 1 year ago

The proposed algorithm for constructing living interactive realms through real-time stable diffusion, with an emphasis on visual synthesis using stable diffusion, would involve the following steps:

  1. The user would provide natural language input to an AI assistant, specifying details of the environment such as terrain, weather, lighting, and other elements like vegetation and water bodies.
  2. The user would also provide natural language input on the location of buildings, characters, and other elements in the realm.
  3. The AI assistant would then process the natural language input using a natural language processing (NLP) algorithm to extract the relevant information and convert it into a structured format that the AI can understand.
  4. The AI would then generate the realm using stable diffusion based on the user's input. The stable diffusion algorithm would involve training a generative model on a dataset of images of various environments, such as terrain, weather, and lighting. The model would learn to generate new images of similar environments based on the input provided by the user.
  5. The AI would also generate NPCs (Non-Player Characters) using the GAN (Generative Adversarial Networks) based on the user's input. The GAN would generate images of NPCs that are similar to the ones provided by the user.
  6. As the user interacts with the realm, the AI would continue to make real-time adjustments based on the user's actions, such as changing the environment or NPC behavior. This would be done by training another GAN on a dataset of images of various interactions and actions, such as walking, running, and jumping.
  7. The AI can also include game mechanics, such as puzzles and challenges, based on the user's input by training a GAN on a dataset of images of various game mechanics and using it to generate new images based on the user's input.
  8. The AI would also be able to embody the NPCs by synthesizing their dialog in real-time and giving them a unique voice. This would be done by training a text-to-speech (TTS) model on a dataset of various voices and speech patterns. The AI would then use the TTS model to generate speech for the NPCs based on their actions and interactions with the user.
  9. Additionally, the AI would also incorporate a physics engine to enable realistic interactions between the objects and characters in the realm, such as collisions and gravity.
  10. Finally, the AI would use machine learning algorithms to continuously improve the realism and quality of the realm based on the user's feedback and interactions. For example, it can use reinforcement learning algorithms to optimize the NPCs' behaviors and movements based on the user's interactions with them.

Overall, the proposed algorithm would involve a combination of several state-of-the-art AI techniques, such as natural language processing, stable diffusion, GANs, TTS, physics engine and machine learning, to enable the creation of living, interactive realms that can be shaped and customized by the user in real-time.

tom-leamon commented 1 year ago

In the algorithm that I proposed, users could navigate in the synthesized environment in 3D by incorporating VR technology that would allow them to move around in the virtual space and interact with objects in the environment.

For visual synthesis, the algorithm would use stable diffusion to generate the environment in real-time as the user moves around. This is achieved by using the VR headset's tracking capabilities to determine the user's position and orientation in the virtual space, and then using stable diffusion to generate the environment accordingly. The algorithm would also take into consideration the user's previous actions and interactions in the environment to ensure continuity and realism.

As the user moves around in the virtual space, the algorithm would continuously update and render the environment based on the user's current position and orientation, using stable diffusion to ensure the environment is rendered in real-time.

For example, the user could physically walk through a door in the room they've created, and the algorithm would use stable diffusion to generate the next room in real-time as the user enters it, taking into consideration the user's previous actions and interactions in the environment.

tom-leamon commented 1 year ago

In the proposed algorithm, the 3D environment is synthesized by the AI via stable diffusion and imported into a 3D engine. This means that the underlying 3D model of the world is maintained by the 3d engine, but 100% of the visual rendering is done through stable diffusion.

When the user wants to navigate through the environment, for example by opening a door, the AI would use stable diffusion inpainting and outpainting techniques to generate new visual content. The outpainting would be used when the user looks around to view a new area, as it would allow the AI to generate new visuals of the surrounding environment that the user has not seen before. In this case, the AI would use the stable diffusion algorithm to generate new images based on the context of the current environment and the user's viewing angle.

On the other hand, the inpainting would be used when the user opens the door. As the user is still looking in the same direction, but the view is now of a different environment that the user has not seen before. In this case, the AI would use the stable diffusion algorithm to generate new images based on the context of the environment on the other side of the door and the user's viewing angle. This would allow the AI to seamlessly transition the view from the inside of the room to the outside, and generate new visuals of the environment on the other side of the door.

These techniques would allow the AI to generate highly realistic and contextually accurate visuals in real-time, providing an immersive and interactive experience for the user. The AI would also continuously update and maintain the 3D environment, and adapt it to the user's actions and choices, making it a highly intelligent AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) system.

tom-leamon commented 1 year ago

An alternative solution for navigation in the synthesized environment would be to use stable diffusion for both the generation and real-time rendering of the environment. This would involve training a stable diffusion model on a large dataset of 3D environments, including various types of rooms, buildings, and outdoor spaces. The model would then be able to generate highly realistic and detailed 3D environments in real-time, based on a user's input in natural language.

To allow for navigation, the model would need to be optimized for accurately depicting motion and physics, such as the way a door opens and closes, or how objects and characters move and interact with each other. This could be achieved by training the model on a dataset of videos and animations of various types of movement and physics.

When the user wants to open a door, for example, the model would inpaint the other side of the door based on the user's view direction and the physics of how a door moves. Similarly, when the user looks around to see something they haven't seen before, the model would outpaint the new area based on the user's view direction and the context of the environment.

In this solution, the 3D engine would not be necessary as the stable diffusion model would be able to generate and render the entire environment in real-time, with accurate motion and physics. This would allow for highly immersive and interactive experiences, where the user can freely navigate and explore the environment.

tom-leamon commented 1 year ago

deforum seems like a suitable project for integration:

It is an open source project based on stable diffusion. It seems very capable with 3d spacial awareness, and clearly has a passionate community of artistic contributors.

tom-leamon commented 1 year ago

Possible using Blender as Open Source 3D engine:

tom-leamon commented 1 year ago


Deforum is a library for creating interactive simulations that run in web browsers. It allows the user to build a polygonal environment by generating meshes, models, etc. Deforum's Stable Diffusion algorithm provides the capability to paint on top of this environment by synchronizing with the camera movement and scene contents.

Integration with 3D Engines

By integrating Deforum Stable Diffusion with 3D engines, it will become possible to store a representational model of an environment and then use Deforum's Stable Diffusion algorithm to paint on top of this environment in real-time. This integration will be useful for creating interactive simulations that involve spatial painting, such as in the fields of architecture, gaming, or product visualization.

Proposed Implementation

To implement the integration of Deforum Stable Diffusion with 3D engines, the following steps need to be taken:

  1. Study and understand the Deforum Stable Diffusion algorithm, including its requirements, limitations, and performance characteristics.

  2. Evaluate the compatibility of Deforum Stable Diffusion with popular 3D engines, such as Unity, Unreal Engine, and Three.js.

  3. Write a bridge between the selected 3D engine and Deforum that facilitates the transfer of camera movement and scene contents between the two.

  4. Write test cases and perform performance testing to validate the correct functioning of the integration.

  5. Document the integration process and provide guidelines for using Deforum Stable Diffusion with the selected 3D engine.


The integration of Deforum Stable Diffusion with 3D engines has the potential to revolutionize the way spatial painting is done in interactive simulations. By synchronizing camera movement and scene contents, Deforum's Stable Diffusion algorithm will enable efficient spatial painting and provide a new level of realism to interactive simulations. The proposed implementation is expected to be challenging but with the right resources and expertise, it can lead to exciting results.

tom-leamon commented 1 year ago

Proposed Github Issue: Three.js and A-Frame integration with Deforum and Lexi's 3D Model Generation

Problem Statement

Currently, the Deforum platform provides support for exporting animation strings for the Deforum Diffusion notebook format using the Blender add-on. However, for the purpose of automating the creation of real-time full-environment diffusion, a solution that does not rely on Blender is desired.

Proposed Solution

We propose to integrate Deforum with Three.js and A-Frame, two open source web-based 3D engines, as an alternative to Blender. This will provide a platform for automating the creation of real-time full-environment diffusion. Additionally, we propose to use Typescript (or Webassembly) instead of Javascript for this integration, as it provides static typing and improved performance.

Furthermore, we propose to incorporate Lexi's 3D model generation capabilities into the Three.js and A-Frame environment, to generate the 3D models in real-time within the environment. This will allow us to create a fully automated system, without the need for manual modeling in Blender.

Implementation Steps

  1. Research and evaluate the capabilities of Three.js and A-Frame for real-time 3D visualization and animation.

  2. Develop a Deforum Diffusion library for Three.js and A-Frame, to export animation strings for the Deforum Diffusion notebook format.

  3. Integrate Lexi's 3D model generation capabilities into the Three.js and A-Frame environment, using Typescript or Webassembly.

  4. Test the integration to ensure it meets the requirements and performant enough for real-time visualization and animation.

  5. Refine the implementation and resolve any bugs or issues that are identified during testing.

  6. Document the implementation and share it with the open-source community, to encourage further development and adoption.


Integrating Three.js and A-Frame with Deforum and Lexi's 3D model generation capabilities will provide a platform for automating the creation of real-time full-environment diffusion. Using Typescript or Webassembly, we can take advantage of its static typing and improved performance to create a reliable and efficient solution. By incorporating Lexi's 3D model generation capabilities, we can eliminate the need for manual modeling in Blender, making the system fully automated.