Nv7-GitHub / googlesearch

A Python library for scraping the Google search engine.
MIT License
480 stars 117 forks source link

def search never returns if too few results #62

Closed hoppingmonkey closed 2 months ago

hoppingmonkey commented 1 year ago

Cool library btw.

Small issue when few results returned by google:

In the function def search() if there are too few results, the function never returns.

For example, passing num_results=10 but Google returns less than 10 results, the function will run forever in the loop "while start < num_results:"

A simple way to fix it is using a counter that loops on each sleep of the function.

init count at the top of the function

count = 0

check the count inside the "while start < num_results:" loop

if count < num_results: print("Too few results") break

loop the count above the "sleep(sleep_interval)" code

count += 1.

Nv7-GitHub commented 1 year ago

Can you submit a PR for this?

michelcrypt4d4mus commented 1 year ago

also having this issue

AdvancedAI-NL commented 7 months ago

This code managed to fix it for me. Change the __init__.py file into this code:

"""googlesearch is a Python library for searching Google, easily."""
from time import sleep
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from requests import get
import requests
from .user_agents import get_useragent

def _req(term, results, lang, start, proxies, timeout):
    resp = get(
            "User-Agent": get_useragent()
            "q": term,
            "num": results + 2,  # Prevents multiple requests
            "hl": lang,
            "start": start,
    return resp

class SearchResult:
    def __init__(self, url, title, description):
        self.url = url
        self.title = title
        self.description = description

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"SearchResult(url={self.url}, title={self.title}, description={self.description})"

def search(term, num_results=10, lang="en", proxy=None, advanced=False, sleep_interval=0, timeout=5):
    """Search the Google search engine"""
    escaped_term = term.replace(" ", "+")

    # Proxy setup
    proxies = {"https": proxy} if proxy and proxy.startswith("https") else {"http": proxy} if proxy else None

    start = 0
    fetched_results = 0  # Keep track of the total fetched results

    while fetched_results < num_results:
        # Send request
        resp = _req(escaped_term, num_results - fetched_results, lang, start, proxies, timeout)

        # Parse
        soup = BeautifulSoup(resp.text, "html.parser")
        result_block = soup.find_all("div", attrs={"class": "g"})
        new_results = 0  # Keep track of new results in this iteration

        for result in result_block:
            # Find link, title, description
            link = result.find("a", href=True)
            title = result.find("h3")
            description_box = result.find("div", {"style": "-webkit-line-clamp:2"})

            if link and title and description_box:
                description = description_box.text
                fetched_results += 1
                new_results += 1
                if advanced:
                    yield SearchResult(link["href"], title.text, description)
                    yield link["href"]

            if fetched_results >= num_results:
                break  # Stop if we have fetched the desired number of results

        if new_results == 0:
            print(f"Only {fetched_results} results found for query requiring {num_results} results. Moving on to the next query.")
            break  # Break the loop if no new results were found in this iteration

        start += 10  # Prepare for the next set of results

I will make a PR of this code.

Nv7-GitHub commented 2 months ago

This has been merged, so this issue is resolved.