NvChad / base46

NvChad's base46 theme plugin with caching ( Total re-write )
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Question: Theming for textstyles in markdown missing? #326

Closed pema83 closed 1 month ago

pema83 commented 1 month ago

I try to get bold and italic texts rendered as such in markdown files. I do have treesitter with enabled markdown and markdown_inline. And after some Lazy syncs I finally got some highlighting going.

But still there seems to be missing something. For example boldtext Gets just underlined when using conceallevel=2.

I found a commit to the catppuccin theme in which TreeSitter markdown parser styles? have been added. Link to TS support in theme commit Is something like that necessary for the nvchad themes?

siduck commented 1 month ago

arent those old highlight groups? @lucario387

ours are here https://github.com/NvChad/base46/blob/v2.5/lua/base46/integrations/treesitter.lua

pema83 commented 1 month ago

I have seen https://github.com/NvChad/base46/blob/v2.5/lua/base46/integrations/treesitter.lua And just tried strikethrough, which indeed works strrkethrough is rendered correctly in ayu_light

So it works in parts :)

pema83 commented 1 month ago

It was my mistake. The bold font was never correctly configured in my alacritty config.