I toggled default and vscode just to make sure it responded to the override in chadrc.lua, and it did. But the LSP modules never load. When I check LSPInfo(), I do see the C lsp client attached. And I do get LSP help in the file.
Is there a way I can check whats going on with the module orders table for statusline?
After the 2.5 update, the lsp_msg module do not load in statusline
I checked the updated UI docs, and I understand where the override is
As I understand it, all of the modules load with default orders
I toggled default and vscode just to make sure it responded to the override in chadrc.lua, and it did. But the LSP modules never load. When I check LSPInfo(), I do see the C lsp client attached. And I do get LSP help in the file.
Is there a way I can check whats going on with the module orders table for statusline?