NvChad / ui

Lightweight & high performance UI plugin for nvchad
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Unable to customize key binds for new theme switcher #357

Closed endoze closed 2 weeks ago

endoze commented 2 weeks ago

Since the new theme switcher replaced the Telescope based one, I think it should support customizing keybinds. Previously with telescope, all pre-configured keybinds for selection/movement/etc worked with the NvChad themes picker. But it currently seems like the new theme picker doesn't expose any way to customize keybinds for it.

siduck commented 2 weeks ago

Telescope one is already there. :Telescope themes

there's arrow keys & +p/n already for cycling and enter for selection! idk what more yall want

endoze commented 2 weeks ago

@siduck If you export the functions that allow moving the selection up and down in the new theme switcher, anyone could then re-use those functions as part of keybinds. I'm not asking for specific keybinds to be added, just enable the ability to use the up/down functions outside of the ui plugin. Something like this would get added in my own configuration:

map("i", "<C-j>", require('nvchad.themes').move_down, { desc = "<Down>" })
map("I", "<C-k>", require('nvchad.themes').move_up, { desc = "<Up>"})
siduck commented 2 weeks ago

alright, i'll move the helper functions into nvchad.themes.api module and then let you know when done

siduck commented 2 weeks ago

the thing is how would you pass the buffer :thinking:


endoze commented 2 weeks ago

At first glance, I wouldn't think you'd need to pass the buffer as part of the keybind. If it's considered the current buffer, you can always internally use [nvim_get_current_buff](https://neovim.io/doc/user/api.html#nvim_get_current_buf()) or just pass 0 as the buffer id.

But I looked into how telescope does their selection keybinds and I have the following table as part of the setup function for telescope.

    mappings = {
      i = {
        ["<C-j>"] = function(...)
        ["<C-k>"] = function(...)
      n = {
        ["d"] = function(...)

I'm not entirely sure what gets passed into these functions but I'm forwarding all arguments as is into the move_selection_next, move_selection_previous, and delete_buffer functions. If this doesn't help enough, I can try my hand at implementing it as well.

I just figured at first glance you'd be more intimately familiar with the new theme switcher code and might make short work of exposing these for keybind usage 😊.

siduck commented 2 weeks ago

i'll try it tomorrow, something like this :

 mappings = function(buf)
     -- do here
endoze commented 2 weeks ago

Can you by chance share what you have so far? I'd be happy to pick up where you've left off and send back to you for review once I'm done.

endoze commented 2 weeks ago

@siduck I've created a pull request with what I think might work for adding custom keybinds for the new theme switcher on #359. I opted to use Chadrc for configuration values instead of relying on passing things into the open function for the themes.

siduck commented 2 weeks ago
map("n", "<leader>th", function()
  require("nvchad.themes").open {
    mappings = function(buf)
      vim.keymap.set("i", "<C-k>", require("nvchad.themes.api").move_up, { buffer = buf })
      vim.keymap.set("i", "<C-j>", require("nvchad.themes.api").move_down, { buffer = buf })
end, { desc = "telescope nvchad themes" })