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Showcase as a standalone web service? #18

Open Javran opened 7 years ago

Javran commented 7 years ago

Not particularly related to k2badge, but I don't have a better place in mind to discuss about this.

The idea is simple - just like k2badge and deckbuilder, could we have a web page for allowing kancolle helpers to upload ship list (level, luck, etc.) and equipments (improvement level) to create an image like what we have in KC3' SR room? could be useful for showing off or seeking for advices (like those event preparation in reddit) and helpers other than KC3 can benefit from that.

DynamicSTOP commented 7 years ago

I was thinking about making showcase export to some website (gh-pages). It was kinda pleasure feeling to see those export images in help threads until i realize that most of them are ruined by JPEG scaling T___T totally not perfect. Also people were complaining about fonts some times (yeah text is blurry if you aren't using zoom 100%) and image is something one way to go. You can see it but no nice way to interact.

The bottleneck as i see it for static site (gh-pages) is sharing those showcases. Almost every browser (internet explorer is not a browser) supports up to 50'000 signs in hash which gives some space to maneuver. And using https://developers.google.com/url-shortener/v1/getting_started will make it looking as tiny nice url.

Cool feature to have would be to allow helpers to modify any list, share it again and use message channels between site and extension tabs to import recommendations into leveling tab.

Javran commented 7 years ago

@DynamicSTOP sorry for the late response, was working on event stuff. perhaps we are thinking about the same thing: to create a website, which allows importing ship list generated from kancolle helpers, and instead of generating a static picture, the website can have UI interactions. Also, as we are just encoding ships, equipments and their stats, I think we have more than enough room in url querystring, or make use of POST (but perhaps a static site won't play well with POST).

I've previously created kancepts, which has a "Ship List" tab, but is expedition-specific, did you mean something like it?

DynamicSTOP commented 7 years ago

@Javran i guess your link is broken :) I was thinking about having static page on github, like replayer https://kc3kai.github.io/kancolle-replay/battleplayer.html. Encoding all data in window.location.hash and sharing short links made by goog.le api. Theoretically this way should work for every browser except Edge (https://stackoverflow.com/a/44532746).

Javran commented 7 years ago

@DynamicSTOP ops you are right, now I've fixed the link and you can take a look. basically that's the same as what you are suggesting: a github static page with UI interactions, and also might accept data encoded as url hash. For these days I've been working closely with poi developers, which makes me prefer using react, but if there are alternative frameworks feel free to recommend some.

For next step we might try to find some volunteers (hmm, if any. ironically, for small projects I find it more convenient to work alone) and get things started xD.

Vultren commented 6 years ago

I can help, but it would be after December. I'm finishing my last class for my Master's and that takes an annoying amount of time