NyaaCat / RPGItems-reloaded

The legacy RPGItems continues
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[REQUEST] More recipes! #108

Closed Atracador closed 5 years ago

Atracador commented 8 years ago

Hi there! I've always wanted to be able to craft item with different recipes, just like some default ones such as helmet, boots (you can do them from above or below) or mushroom stews. Would you be able to implement a way for making more than one recipe for the same item instead of remaking it with a different name? Thanks for reading! Have a nice day!! Awesome plugin btw :smile:

Formula350 commented 8 years ago

A solution for the "like some default ones such as helmet, boots (you can do them from above or below) or mushroom stews." would simply be to add an option to make it Shaped or Shapeless. Perhaps even a clickable-item inside the Recipe Menu: Redstone Dust for Shaped, Glowstone Dust for Shapeless, which when clicked on it would then save and close the Recipe Menu.

Additionally, since we're on the topic of Recipes, if I could make my own suggestions...? We have used recipes in RPG for a long time, but very very long ago we discovered that RPGItems is not "specific" enough when it looks for items that are crafted. It seems to only look at the Item_Name:DataValue and Item_Name:DamageValue, ignoring nbt.display.Name and nbt.display.Lore, despite storing that all in the recipe:

   - ==: org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack
      type: GOLD_SWORD
        ==: ItemMeta
        meta-type: UNSPECIFIC
        display-name: §0§0§0§0§0§0§0§6§9§lCelestial Bronze Sword
        - §fOne handed               Sword§c§a§f§e§0§0§0§0
        - §f8-9 Damage
        - '§e§o"A sword made from Celestial '
        - '§e§oBronze capable of '
        - §e§odestroying any monsters."
        - Droppable

Unfortunately, in that recipe the sword can be ANY Gold Sword, as the "Celestial Bronze Sword" that was placed in the recipe (ironically, an RPGItem itself) is not looked for specifically.

This has caused problems in our efforts to make Upgrades where a specific "special" item is needed in addition to the previous RPGItem. For example long ago I discovered that InfernalMobs plugin would drop these Netherstars that surprisingly worked as a unique recipe ingredient. What it ended up being is Nether_Star:10, and that DataValue was what allowed it to be a "special" item for recipes. _(Unfortunately, Mojang decided to screw textures up in 1.8, so ever since then NetherStar:10 has been an ugly pink-black block :sigh:) If RPGItems recipe would look for the additional meta details when crafting, that would allow us to make a lot more recipes by having the same general recipe items be the same, but even just 1 that is the same but has a different display-name, it would craft something else. :)

TL;DR - Please make it so Recipe, at the very least, also looks at the display-name: meta when crafting items. (Either by default, or with a toggle option, maybe /rpgitem <item name> toggleRecipeMeta)

Atracador commented 8 years ago

@Formula350 I like your idea, it's not a feature i currently use or need but it's definitely something to be worked on to. I bet it would lag the crafting table a bit though, if not, it's a win win.

Omicronrg9 commented 8 years ago

I´m with Formula350.I think RPG servers could use it for multiple pruposes like upgrades,leveling...something like that.Greetings,Omicronrg9.

Librazy commented 5 years ago

Custom recipe by plugin in 1.12/1.13+ is not recommend. Recipe support in RPGItems main plugin may be removed in future.