I get no idea from the official web, i try to type but that didn't work at all or maybe my command format was wrong, but there is too less info for user, you are do it without pay any serious . i really cant understand what the function condition and some function, if can please update the official web and give example clearly for the function , thank you.
I get no idea from the official web, i try to type but that didn't work at all or maybe my command format was wrong, but there is too less info for user, you are do it without pay any serious . i really cant understand what the function condition and some function, if can please update the official web and give example clearly for the function , thank you.
/rpgitem condition add test1 andcondition conditions:test1,test2 id:test /rpgitem condition add test2 andcondition conditions:test1,test2 id:test /rpgitem power add test1 potiontick amplifier:4 effect:INCREASE_DAMAGE conditions:test /rpgitem power add test2 potiontick amplifier:4 effect:INCREASE_DAMAGE conditions:test
Is any wrong there? i wanna do a weapon put on offhand and mainhand and get the buff