Change the following in fabric.mod.json
“minecraft“:”>=1.21- <1.20.2-“ to ‘minecraft’:”>=1.21- <1.21.2-”
In pca.mixins.json delete the following two lines
After saving, zip these two files and overwrite them with the original mod files.
Download the latest version of MgicLib Dev and other pre-requisites and put them into the mod folder with the modified mod files.
Question Type
在fabric.mod.json中修改以下内容 "minecraft": ">=1.21- <1.20.2-"为"minecraft": ">=1.21- <1.21.2-" 在pca.mixins.json中删除以下两行 "rule.superLead.MixinAbstractVillager", "rule.superLead.MixinMob", 保存后将这两个文件压缩并覆盖至原mod文件中
下载MgicLib Dev的最新版本和其他前置文件与修改后的mod文件一同放入模组文件夹即可使用
Change the following in fabric.mod.json “minecraft“:”>=1.21- <1.20.2-“ to ‘minecraft’:”>=1.21- <1.21.2-” In pca.mixins.json delete the following two lines “rule.superLead.MixinAbstractVillager”. “rule.superLead.MixinMob”. After saving, zip these two files and overwrite them with the original mod files.
Download the latest version of MgicLib Dev and other pre-requisites and put them into the mod folder with the modified mod files.