Open NyanKiyoshi opened 5 years ago
With the following i3 config:
# change focus ... # move workspace bindsym $mod+Shift+j workspace prev bindsym $mod+Shift+semicolon workspace next # move focused window ...
Into ~/.config/libinput-gestures.conf we can have something like this:
gesture: swipe up 3 xdotool key super+f gesture: swipe down 3 xdotool key super+e gesture: swipe up 4 xdotool key super+Up gesture: swipe down 4 xdotool key super+Down gesture: swipe right 3 xdotool key ctrl+Tab gesture: swipe left 3 xdotool key ctrl+shift+Tab gesture: swipe right 4 xdotool key super+Right gesture: swipe left 4 xdotool key super+Left gesture: pinch in 3 xdotool key super+w gesture: pinch out 3 xdotool key super+a gesture: pinch in 4 xdotool key super+w gesture: pinch out 4 xdotool key super+a gesture: pinch in 5 xdotool key super+w gesture: pinch out 5 xdotool key super+a gesture: pinch out 2 xdotool key ctrl+KP_Add gesture: pinch in 2 xdotool key ctrl+KP_Subtract
This would allow MacOS like gestures in i3.
Wontfix for now as my trackpad only support two fingers, the hardware being incompatible from having such gestures.
With the following i3 config:
Into ~/.config/libinput-gestures.conf we can have something like this:
This would allow MacOS like gestures in i3.