Nyr / openvpn-install

OpenVPN road warrior installer for Ubuntu, Debian, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux, CentOS and Fedora
MIT License
18.64k stars 4.8k forks source link

problem in getting it work #28

Closed FevLoad closed 9 years ago

FevLoad commented 9 years ago

Hello there sir, I installed your script on my server , and everything seems to be fine the only problem is when i open the OpenVPN and connect via my server the ip of my computer still the same , not mention that I have another server from another company come with the openvpn installed and it’s work just fine .

Nyr commented 9 years ago

Run the following commands in your server and paste the output: cat /etc/rc.local ifconfig

Run again the iptables command present on your /etc/rc.local file. Does it throw any error?

Please, also paste the client connection log.

FevLoad commented 9 years ago


Nyr commented 9 years ago

I see you are using the system as a remote desktop on Ubuntu... could you be using some firewall by any chance? Take a look at https://github.com/Nyr/openvpn-install/pull/25, for example.

This looks like a problem with your custom setup and not with the script. As the readme specifies, this script is designed to be used on a clean system and it's impossible to support each custom configuration or firewall out there, I can't help any further.

Just so you know: I am personally using this script on Debian with one of my Online.net servers, so it's not a problem with the provider.

Good luck.

FevLoad commented 9 years ago

im using the server as seedbox , and ubuntu desktop environment

so what do i have to do , so i can make the script work with mine .

and is it work as http proxy too ?

Nyr commented 9 years ago

I don't know what exact your setup is. I can only say it works on a default Ubuntu/Debian install. If you are using a fiewall, you would need to add exceptions, but again I don't know much about your setup.

An HTTP proxy has nothing to do with a VPN. You can tunnel HTTP connections using OpenVPN and this script, if that's what you want.

FevLoad commented 9 years ago

okay sir, im gonna buy a vps from the company you listed on your post. and i will install it , and feed you back on the matter

thank you sir.