Nyyrazzilyss / NyyLIB

Mudlet client script for Torilmud
GNU General Public License v2.0
7 stars 4 forks source link

Mob death message gagged and broke @starttrain tank #111

Closed Gyrx closed 5 years ago

Gyrx commented 6 years ago

Class used: Paladin Weapons: 1h and shield Skills: All melee skills enabled, Divine Smite, and Lay hands Group setup: had multiple followers, including 1 paladin that was rescuing and guarding me and I was rescuing and guarding him.

The mob death message wasn't shown on screen and did not trigger moving the train to next stop.

The train recovered when I manually typed "l" to look.

I've observed this up to a handful of times in the last few weeks and couldn't identify the cause.

Log: < 710h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| T: Amerolen TC: excellent E: noble EC: pretty hurt EP: rcl P: std

As an Ashstone noble avoids your bash, you topple over and fall to the ground.

< 709h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| T: Amerolen TC: excellent E: noble EC: pretty hurt EP: rcl P: knl

Amerolen strikes an Ashstone noble with great accuracy, and is rewarded with a divine gift of health .

< 709h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| T: Amerolen TC: excellent E: noble EC: pretty hurt EP: rcl P: knl

Amerolen blocks an Ashstone noble's attack with his shield! Amerolen slightly wounds an Ashstone noble with his awesome slash. (x2) Your massive slash badly wounds an Ashstone noble. (x2)

< 709h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| T: Amerolen TC: excellent E: noble EC: pretty hurt EP: rcl P: knl

An Ashstone noble clambers to his feet. Amerolen slightly wounds an Ashstone noble with his mighty slash. Your massive slash badly wounds an Ashstone noble. (x2) Your powerful slash slightly wounds an Ashstone noble.

< 709h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| T: Amerolen TC: excellent E: noble EC: pretty hurt EP: std P: knl

Maybe you should get up off your knees first?

< 708h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| T: Amerolen TC: excellent E: noble EC: pretty hurt EP: std P: knl

< 708h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| T: Amerolen TC: excellent E: noble EC: pretty hurt EP: std P: knl

You have to be standing up to do that!

[Radiant Charge] RC

< 708h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| T: Amerolen TC: excellent E: noble EC: pretty hurt EP: std P: knl

You group-say '[Ashstone Noble has nasty wounds!]'

< 708h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| T: Amerolen TC: excellent E: noble EC: pretty hurt EP: std P: knl

You rise to your feet.

< 708h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| T: Amerolen TC: excellent E: noble EC: pretty hurt EP: std P: std

You guard Amerolen succesfully. Amerolen fails to guard you. Amerolen slightly wounds an Ashstone noble with his mighty slash. Your massive slash wounds an Ashstone noble harshly. (x2) Your massive slash severely wounds an Ashstone noble. Brilliant rays of light stream from Amerolen's shield as he charges into an Ashstone noble and knocks him to the ground!

< 708h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| T: Gyrxtok TC: excellent E: noble EC: awful EP: rcl P: std > You are rescued by Amerolen, you are confused, but grateful! You immediately assist Amerolen in the fight!

< 708h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| T: Amerolen TC: excellent E: noble EC: awful EP: rcl P: std >

Amerolen dodges an Ashstone noble's attack. Amerolen badly wounds an Ashstone noble with his powerful slash. Your massive slash brutally wounds an Ashstone noble. An Ashstone noble staggers from your massive slash! You enshroud an Ashstone noble in a mist of blood with your massive slash!

< 708h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| T: Amerolen TC: excellent E: noble EC: awful EP: rcl P: std > You are already standing.

< 707h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| T: Amerolen TC: excellent E: noble EC: awful EP: rcl P: std >

They have to be standing up for you to do that!

< 707h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| T: Amerolen TC: excellent E: noble EC: awful EP: rcl P: std > < 707h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| P: std > You get a small pile of coins from corpse of an Ashstone noble. There were: 10 platinum coins, 29 gold coins, 7 silver coins, 1 copper coin.

< 707h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| P: std >

Amerolen squints his eyes and peers at you. Wonder what he thinks?

< 695h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| P: std > pon You detach from reality for a moment, pondering.

< 690h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| P: std > l A Mammoth Mansion of Earthy Stone Exits: - West [87255] Corpse of an Ashstone noble is lying here. An Ashstone noble stands here solidly.(Red Aura) Amerolen (Moon Elf) stands here.

< 690h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| P: std > You group-say '[Moving to: Ashstone Noble (87249) <.wse>]' < 690h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| P: std > @fwalk 87249 [Path: .wse]

Gyrx commented 6 years ago

Happened a 2nd time tonight:

< 682h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| T: Amerolen TC: excellent E: priest EC: awful EP: rcl P: std >

Your translucent golden shield fades away.

< 682h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| T: Amerolen TC: excellent E: priest EC: awful EP: rcl P: std >

A kindly priest clambers to his feet. Amerolen badly wounds a kindly priest with his mighty sonic slash. Amerolen severely wounds a kindly priest with his awesome sonic slash. [proc: a glowing crimson dagger] Tissamu severely wounds a kindly priest with her mighty pierce. Tissamu badly wounds a kindly priest with her powerful pierce. Your massive slash brutally wounds a kindly priest. A kindly priest staggers from your massive slash! You critically wound a kindly priest with a massive slash!

< 682h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| T: Amerolen TC: excellent E: priest EC: awful EP: std P: std >

[Radiant Charge] RC < 682h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| P: std >

But nobody is fighting him?

< 682h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| P: std >

No target for your power could be found!

< 682h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| P: std >

The corpse of a kindly priest does not contain the coins.

< 682h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| P: std > l Entry Hall of the Keep's Cathedral Exits: - East - West [87314] Corpse of a kindly priest is lying here. Amerolen (Moon Elf) stands here. Tissamu (Yuan-Ti) stands here.(Red Aura)

< 682h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| P: std > You group-say '[Moving to: Ashstone Noble (87253) <.3ws2w4ne>]' < 682h/682H 112v/112V |3|3|3|3|2| P: std > @fwalk 87253 [Path: .3ws2w4ne] w w

Gyrx commented 6 years ago

Here's my @set:

@set Usage: set key value Example: set loot off - turns off autoloot

      [sound] on                    off|limited|on  play sounds
        [map] on                            on|off  display map
 [roomwindow] false                     true|false  display room window
    [swedish] false                     true|false  translate acc/etc to swedish
      [style] true                      true|false  use Qt icon stylesheet
  [hideicons] false                     true|false  hide lower icon bar
  [hideequip] true                      true|false  hide left equip icon bar
     [border] default            default|file|none  
   [numcolor] orange                             *  color of numbers on buttons
   [statname] train                              *  
   [autoopen] false                     true|false  auto-open doors
   [echodrag] false                     true|false  echo when a corpse is dragged
 [autoportal] false                     true|false  auto enter rifts/portals/etc
 [movebuffer] 10                                 #  maximum movements to send before buffering
         items      true | misc       true | combat     true | duplicate  true |
         debug     false | spells    false | arrows    false | dragon     true |

       [vnum] true                      true|false  display room vnum

[chatfontsize] auto auto|# fontsize to use for the chat window [grpfontsize] 14 auto|# fontsize to use for the group window [reconnect] false false|# auto login this char number [endspell] vit vit|dsp|pwt|fly|grp|pfu|hst|dop|cbm
[gcmd] false true|false use gcmd instead of gsay [group] true true|false updated group display [assocchar] ezdad connect to association chat, storage [blurout] [[ BLUR OUT ]]
[displaceout] [[ DISPLACE OUT ]]
[globeout] [[ GLOBE OUT ]]

[hasteout] [[ HASTE OUT ]]
[scaleout] [[ SCALE OUT ]]

[stoneout] [[ STONE OUT ]]
[vitout] [[ VIT OUT ]]

[barkout] [[ BARK OUT ]] *

  [container] hole                               *  set the name of your main container
       [food]                                    *  food name to eat
    [canteen]                                    *  name of water container
   [autoloot] coins                  off|coins|all  
       [flee] off               on|off|dragon|lich  
 [autoassist] true                      true|false  assist people in combat
  [petrescue] ME                       NONE|ALL|ME  

 [turnundead] false                     true|false  damage undead automatically
   [autobash] true                      true|false  
[autobstrike] true                      true|false  
[autorcharge] true                      true|false  
 [autossmite] true                      true|false  
 [autoesmite] false                     true|false  
 [autowsmite] true                      true|false  
[autovstrike] true                      true|false  
[autothsmite] true                      true|false  
 [autobsmite] true                      true|false  
[autotesmite] true                      true|false  
[autowhsmite] false                     true|false  

[autodivsmite] true true|false
[autohands] true true|false
[autodivchal] false true|false
[autonemesis] false true|false
[autoshieldpunch] false true|false
[powersbash] false true|false use powers bash [wuss] orrar * always rescue and spell wuss [rescuetype] all off|basic|all
[autotank] false true|false
[autohlarea] false true|false cast 7th circle+ area combat spells

Gyrx commented 5 years ago

Reproduced tonight.

Script version: 9/16/2018 NyyLIB011dev https://github.com/Nyyrazzilyss/NyyLIB

Level 50 paladin using sword and board.

Recovered by manually typing look.


You miss A burly bouncer with your divine bludgeon. Your massive divine bludgeon severely wounds A burly bouncer.

< 574h/540H 120v/120V |bs +|ds 63|dc 12|lh +|rc 1|ss +|es +|tn +|ws +| |3|3|1|1|0| T: Ishidin TC: excellent E: bouncer EC: awful EP: rcl P: std > A translucent golden shield forms in front of you as strike out at A burly bouncer.

< 573h/540H 120v/120V |bs +|ds 62|dc 11|lh +|rc 1|ss 3|es +|tn +|ws +| |3|3|1|1|0| T: Ishidin TC: excellent E: bouncer EC: awful EP: rcl P: std >

A burly bouncer misses you with his hit. (x2) Mulcul severely wounds A burly bouncer with his massive bludgeon. (x3) A burly bouncer staggers from your massive divine bludgeon! A burly bouncer dodges your futile attack. You critically wound A burly bouncer with a massive divine bludgeon! But nobody is fighting him?[onNetworkOutput: LOOK]

< 588h/540H 120v/120V |bs +|ds 62|dc 11|lh +|rc 1|ss 3|es +|tn +|ws +| |3|3|1|1|0| T: Ishidin TC: excellent E: bouncer EC: awful EP: rcl P: std >

< 588h/540H 120v/120V |bs +|ds 62|dc 11|lh +|rc 1|ss 3|es +|tn +|ws +| |3|3|1|1|0| P: std > You get a small pile of coins from corpse of A burly bouncer. There were: 10 platinum coins, 15 gold coins, 2 silver coins, 4 copper coins.

< 588h/540H 120v/120V |bs +|ds 62|dc 10|lh +|rc +|ss 2|es +|tn +|ws +| |3|3|1|1|0| P: std >

[Divine Challenge has expired on Ishidin.]

Your translucent golden shield fades away.

< 586h/540H 120v/120V |bs +|ds 59|dc 8|lh +|rc +|ss +|es +|tn +|ws +| |3|3|1|1|0| P: std >

[Holy Sword has expired on Ishidin.]

The divine light fades away from your weapon.

< 586h/540H 120v/120V |bs +|ds 59|dc 8|lh +|rc +|ss +|es +|tn +|ws +| |3|3|1|1|0| P: std >

Auction: Vakig bid 10 platinum on item 92 a breastplate of studded black dragonhide

< 571h/540H 120v/120V |bs +|ds 41|dc +|lh +|rc +|ss +|es +|tn +|ws +| |3|3|1|2|0| P: std > l [onNetworkOutput: L] The House of Pleasure Exits: -N -S -W [87270] Corpse of A burly bouncer is lying here. A gray rock here catches your attention. A burly bouncer is standing here screening the customers.(Red Aura) Mulcul (Half-Orc) stands here.(Red Aura)

< 567h/540H 120v/120V |bs +|ds 33|dc +|lh +|rc +|ss +|es +|tn +|ws +| |3|3|1|3|1| P: std > [onNetworkOutput: GCMD [Moving to: Prostitute (87272) <.2s>]] You group-say '[Moving to: Prostitute (87272) <.2s>]'

[Currently moving. Spellcasting is temporarily paused.]

Your massive bludgeon slightly wounds a prostitute. (x3)

@set Usage: @set key value Example: @set loot off - turns off autoloot

      [sound] on                    off|limited|on  play sounds
        [map] on                            on|off  display map
   [maperror] false                     true|false  suppress map room errors
 [roomwindow] false                     true|false  display room window
    [minimap] true                      true|false  display minimap
    [swedish] false                     true|false  translate acc/etc to swedish
      [style] true                      true|false  use Qt icon stylesheet
  [hideicons] false                     true|false  hide lower icon bar
  [hideequip] true                      true|false  hide left equip icon bar
     [border] default                            *  file, default, or colour
   [numcolor] orange                             *  color of numbers on buttons
 [numcolcool] red                                *  color of numbers on buttons in cooldown

[colbuttonoff] #ff815a color of button when off [colbuttonon] white color of button when on [font] AvQest font to use for buttons [statname] train
[autoopen] false true|false auto-open doors [echodrag] false true|false gsay when a corpse is dragged [autoportal] false true|false auto enter rifts/portals/etc [movebuffer] 10 # maximum movements to send before buffering [condensed] misc false | combat false | spells true | arrows false | spellout false | duplicate true | debug false | echosend true | dragon true | items true | [vnum] true true|false display room vnum [chatfontsize] auto auto|# fontsize to use for the chat window [grpfontsize] 14 auto|# fontsize to use for the group window [reconnect] false false|# auto login this char number [endspell] vit vit|dsp|pwt|fly|grp|pfu|hst|dop|cbm
[gcmd] false true|false use gcmd instead of gsay [group] true true|false updated group display [assocchar] ezdad connect to association chat, storage [blurout] [[ BLUR OUT ]]
[displaceout] [[ DISPLACE OUT ]]
[globeout] [[ GLOBE OUT ]]

[hasteout] [[ HASTE OUT ]]
[scaleout] [[ SCALE OUT ]]

[stoneout] [[ STONE OUT ]]
[vitout] [[ VIT OUT ]]

[barkout] [[ BARK OUT ]] *

  [container] hole                               *  set the name of your main container
       [food]                                    *  food name to eat
    [canteen]                                    *  name of water container
   [autoloot] coins                  off|coins|all  
       [flee] off               on|off|dragon|lich  
 [autoassist] true                      true|false  assist people in combat
  [petrescue] ME                       NONE|ALL|ME  

      [palfa] false                     true|false  
   [palguard] true                      true|false  
      [palbs] true                      true|false  
      [palrc] true                      true|false  
      [palss] true                      true|false  
      [pales] true                      true|false  
      [palws] true                      true|false  
      [palvs] true                      true|false  
      [palts] true                      true|false  
     [palbrs] true                      true|false  
     [paltrs] true                      true|false  
     [palwws] true                      true|false  
      [palds] true                      true|false  
      [pallh] true                      true|false  
      [paldc] true                      true|false  
      [paltn] false                     true|false  
      [palsf] false                     true|false  
      [palal] true                      true|false  
      [palsw] false                     true|false  
     [palboj] true                      true|false  
       [wuss]                                    *  always rescue and spell wuss
 [rescuetype] all                    off|basic|all  
   [autotank] false                     true|false  

< 840h/790H 120v/120V |bs +|ds 18|dc 4|lh +|rc +|ss +|es +|tn +|ws 2| |3|3|1|1|0| T: Mulcul TC: excellent E: prostitute EC: pretty hurt EP: sit P: rcl >

[Ishidin : the mystical circlet of the coiled serpent] Your massive bludgeon slightly wounds a prostitute. (x2) Your attack only grazes a prostitute as she dodges aside! Your awesome bludgeon barely wounds a prostitute. Your massive bludgeon slightly wounds a prostitute.

< 840h/790H 120v/120V |bs +|ds 18|dc 4|lh +|rc +|ss +|es +|tn +|ws 2| |3|3|1|1|0| T: Mulcul TC: excellent E: prostitute EC: pretty hurt EP: sit P: rcl >

A prostitute sidesteps Mulcul's lunge, and his blow glances off.

< 840h/790H 120v/120V |bs +|ds 17|dc 3|lh +|rc +|ss +|es +|tn +|ws 1| |3|3|1|1|0| T: Mulcul TC: excellent E: prostitute EC: pretty hurt EP: sit P: rcl >

Sorry, you can't do that while lying around. [ Rescue: Mulcul ] [onNetworkOutput: RESCUE Mulcul]

< 840h/790H 120v/120V |bs +|ds 17|dc 3|lh +|rc +|ss +|es +|tn +|ws 1| |3|3|1|1|0| T: Mulcul TC: excellent E: prostitute EC: pretty hurt EP: sit P: rcl >

You clamber to your feet.[onNetworkOutput: LOOK]

< 840h/790H 120v/120V |bs +|ds 17|dc 3|lh +|rc +|ss +|es +|tn +|ws 1| |3|3|1|1|0| T: Mulcul TC: excellent E: prostitute EC: pretty hurt EP: sit P: std >

The House of Pleasure [MELEE: Shielding Smite] SS[onNetworkOutput: SS] < 840h/790H 120v/120V |bs +|ds 17|dc 3|lh +|rc +|ss +|es +|tn +|ws 1| |3|3|1|1|0| T: Mulcul TC: excellent E: prostitute EC: pretty hurt EP: sit P: std > Character attributes for Ishidin

Level: 50 Race: Moon Elf Class: Paladin
Age: 123 yrs / 5 mths Size: Medium STR: 100 AGI: 120 DEX: 113 CON: 106 POW: 40 INT: 64 WIS: 56 CHA: 56 Armor Class: -90 (100 to -100) Agility Bonus: -30 Magic Resistance: 0 percent Hitroll: 31 Damroll: 75 Alignment: Chaotic Good Saving Throws: PAR[0] ROD[0] PET[0] BRE[0] SPE[0] Wimpy: not set Load carried: Very Light Damage Resistance: Unarmd: 0% Slash : 0% Bludgn: 0% Pierce: 0% Range : 0% Spells: 0% Fire : 20% Cold : 30% Elect : 15% Acid : 30% Sonic : 0% Poison: 15% Pos : 0% Neg : 0% Psi : 0% Mental: 0% Good : 0% Evil : 0% Law : 0% Chaos : 0% Force : 0%

< 840h/790H 120v/120V |bs +|ds 17|dc 3|lh +|rc +|ss +|es +|tn +|ws 1| |3|3|1|1|0| T: Mulcul TC: excellent E: prostitute EC: pretty hurt EP: sit P: std >

You are using:

a tattoo of three bolts of lightning over a cutlass (glowing) the mystical circlet of the coiled serpent an eyepatch of the Githzerai Cenobite (illuminating) a tiny mithril stud with a single glowing rune (x2) the severed face of a marilith demon a thick titanium band of volance (x2) a lightweight suit of linked mail body armor a cloak of the Fay an ancient tooled dragonhide quiver a thick girdle of silver dragonhide with adamantine bolsters matte black drow chainmail sleeves a fine mithril shield embedded with spikes a bracelet of flowing shadows (x2) a pair of gauntlets wreathed in electricity (glowing) a flaming ring of the efreeti (x2) the mighty scepter of valhalla (glowing) torrid leg plates of liquid magma the mystical boots of stability
Gyrx commented 5 years ago

happened again tonight in the same setup as last post.


An Ashstone noble misses you with his hit. (x2) An Ashstone noble dodges Mulcul's attack. Mulcul severely wounds an Ashstone noble with his massive bludgeon. (x2) Your massive bludgeon wounds an Ashstone noble harshly. (x3)

< 829h/790H 120v/120V |bs +|ds 25|dc 12|lh +|rc 1|ss 3|es +|tn +|ws 5| |3|3|1|1|0| T: Ishidin TC: excellent E: noble EC: awful EP: rcl P: std >

[MELEE: Enervating Smite] ES[onNetworkOutput: ES] But nobody is fighting him?[onNetworkOutput: LOOK]

< 829h/790H 120v/120V |bs +|ds 24|dc 11|lh +|rc 1|ss 2|es +|tn +|ws 4| |3|3|1|1|0| T: Ishidin TC: excellent E: noble EC: awful EP: rcl P: std >

You land a mighty blow upon an Ashstone noble that leaves him staggering in pain. An Ashstone noble is weakened!

< 829h/790H 120v/120V |bs +|ds 24|dc 11|lh +|rc 1|ss 1|es 9|tn +|ws 4| |3|3|1|1|0| T: Ishidin TC: excellent E: noble EC: awful EP: rcl P: std >

< 829h/790H 120v/120V |bs +|ds 24|dc 11|lh +|rc 1|ss 1|es 9|tn +|ws 4| |3|3|1|1|0| P: std >

You get a small pile of coins from corpse of an Ashstone noble. There were: 10 platinum coins, 28 gold coins, 7 silver coins, 1 copper coin.

< 829h/790H 120v/120V |bs +|ds 24|dc 11|lh +|rc 1|ss 1|es 8|tn +|ws 4| |3|3|1|1|0| P: std >

[Divine Challenge has expired on Ishidin.]

Your translucent golden shield fades away.

< 828h/790H 120v/120V |bs +|ds 22|dc 9|lh +|rc +|ss +|es 7|tn +|ws 2| |3|3|1|1|0| P: std >

[Aura of Life has expired on Ishidin.]

The soft light surrounding you dims as your aura of life fades away.

< 817h/540H 120v/120V |bs +|ds 6|dc +|lh +|rc +|ss +|es +|tn +|ws +| |3|3|3|1|0| P: std >


< 675h/540H 120v/120V |bs +|ds +|dc +|lh +|rc +|ss +|es +|tn +|ws +| |3|3|3|2|0| P: std >

An Ashstone noble looks at you with his nose held up.

< 656h/540H 120v/120V |bs +|ds +|dc +|lh +|rc +|ss +|es +|tn +|ws +| |3|3|3|3|0| P: std > l [onNetworkOutput: L] An Airy Building of Light Stonework Exits: -W [87249] Corpse of an Ashstone noble is lying here. An iron shield, studded with small spikes lies on the ground. [2] A slender and curved sword has been discarded. An Ashstone noble stands here flitting about.(Red Aura) Mulcul (Half-Orc) stands here.(Red Aura)

< 569h/540H 120v/120V |bs +|ds +|dc +|lh +|rc +|ss +|es +|tn +|ws +| |3|3|3|3|2| P: std > [onNetworkOutput: GCMD [Moving to: Ashstone Noble (87253) <.w2ne>]] You group-say '[Moving to: Ashstone Noble (87253) <.w2ne>]'

[Currently moving. Spellcasting is temporarily paused.]

< 569h/540H 120v/120V |bs +|ds +|dc +|lh +|rc +|ss +|es +|tn +|ws +| |3|3|3|3|2| P: std > @fwalk 87253 [Path: .w2ne] w****

Gyrx commented 5 years ago

Happened again tonight:

I suspect the death was due to a gagged assassinate from the rogue with me.

----------- ---- |
.-. .-.|.-.+.-.| |.-. .-.

A Large Whitewashed Building Exits: -W [87258] A flat-looking longsword has been discarded here. Corpse of an Ashstone noble is lying here. An Ashstone noble stands here regarding you coldly.

< 570h/570H 125v/128V |0|2|1|1|2| P: std >

[Reached train station: (87258) Ashstone noble]

[onNetworkOutput: glance Ashstone] An Ashstone noble is in an excellent condition. (Medium)

< 570h/570H 126v/128V |0|2|1|1|2| P: std >

[No longer moving. Spellcasting has resumed]

[onNetworkOutput: GCMD [Attacking: Ashstone]]

[MELEE: Sweeping Strike] SS ASHSTONE[onNetworkOutput: SS ASHSTONE] You group-say '[Attacking: Ashstone]'

< 570h/570H 127v/128V |0|2|1|1|2| P: std >

You sweep attack an Ashstone noble with unbound fury, knocking him off balance! An Ashstone noble crashes to the ground!

< 570h/570H 128v/128V |0|2|1|1|2| T: Manorak TC: excellent E: noble EC: few scratches EP: rcl P: std

[onNetworkOutput: LOOK] < 570h/570H 128v/128V |0|2|1|1|2| T: Manorak TC: excellent E: noble EC: few scratches EP: rcl P: std

[MELEE: Bladestorm] BS[onNetworkOutput: BS] You're not ready to perform another action!

< 570h/570H 128v/128V |0|2|1|1|2| T: Manorak TC: excellent E: noble EC: few scratches EP: rcl P: std

[SPELL: Cloak of the Winds] CLW[onNetworkOutput: CLW] You start chanting... [Casting: CLW (Cloak of the Winds)]

< 570h/570H 128v/128V |0|2|1|1|2| T: Manorak TC: excellent E: noble EC: few scratches EP: rcl P: std

You complete your spell... [ CLW (Cloak of the Winds) ][onNetworkOutput: LOOK] You feel your movements speed up as a swirling cloak of winds envelops you.

< 570h/570H 128v/128V |0|1|1|1|2| T: Manorak TC: excellent E: noble EC: few scratches EP: rcl P: std

[MELEE: Twin Strike] TS[onNetworkOutput: TS]

Your massive slash barely wounds an Ashstone noble. (x2) Your longsword glows dark and bites into an Ashstone noble's neck. An Ashstone noble seems to be blinded! Your attack only grazes an Ashstone noble as he dodges aside! Your massive slash barely wounds an Ashstone noble. (x2) Your longsword glows dark and bites into an Ashstone noble's neck. An Ashstone noble seems to be blinded! Your massive slash barely wounds an Ashstone noble. (x2) An Ashstone noble misses you with his hit. (x2)

< 570h/570H 128v/128V |0|1|1|1|2| T: Manorak TC: excellent E: noble EC: small wounds EP: rcl P: std

< 570h/570H 128v/128V |0|1|1|1|2| P: std >

No target for your power could be found!

< 570h/570H 128v/128V |0|1|1|1|2| P: std > You get a small pile of coins from corpse of an Ashstone noble. There were: 14 platinum coins, 14 gold coins, 5 silver coins, 2 copper coins.

< 570h/570H 128v/128V |0|1|1|1|2| P: std >

[Cloak of the Winds has expired on Manorak.]

Your cloak of winds vanishes.

< 570h/570H 128v/128V |1|2|2|2|2| P: std >

Satac GCC: 'no you cant see damage in numbers'

< 570h/570H 128v/128V |1|2|2|2|2| P: std >

Gyrx commented 5 years ago

Happened with my ranger this time. I was on as a barbarian ranger and kugol as ogre warrior.

< 751h/751H 112v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |1|1|1|1|1| P: std >

.-. . . ,-, ,-, ,-,
.-. .-. .!. .!. .-. .-. .-.
--------- + --------- +
,-, +.#.
,-, .@. +.-.
+ ---------
.!. .-.
----- ---- --------
+ +. .+ .-.
---- ----
+.!.+ .-.

Along the Dragonride Exits: -N -S [87260] A tall cast-iron streetlight arcs high overhead. Kugol lumbers in from the north.

< 751h/751H 111v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |1|1|1|1|1| P: std >

.-. .-. .!. .!. .-. .-. .-.
--------- + --------- +
,-, +. .
,-, .#. +.-.
+ ---------
.@. .-.
----- ---- --------
+ +. .+ .-.
---- ----
+.!.+ .-.
---- ----
+. .+ .-.

Along the Dragonride Exits: -N -S [87259] A tall cast-iron streetlight arcs high overhead. A sharply dressed cleaner diligently roams the city. An ugly black crow stands here squawking. squawk Kugol lumbers in from the north.

< 751h/751H 110v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |1|1|1|1|1| P: std >

,-, +. .
,-, . . +.-.
+ ---------
.#. .-.
----- ---- --------
+ .!.+.@.+.!. .-.
---- ----
+.!.+ .-.
---- ----
+. .+ .-.
------------ ----
. .+ .-.

Along the Dragonride Exits: -N -E -S -W [87256] A tall cast-iron streetlight arcs high overhead. Kugol lumbers in from the north.

< 751h/751H 110v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |1|1|1|1|1| P: std >

,-, . . +.-. + --------- .!. .-.
+ +.#.+ .-.
---- ----
.!.+.@.+.!. .-.
---- ----
+. .+ .-.
------------ ----
. .+ .-.
----- ---- ----------
. . .-. .-.

Along the Dragonride Exits: -N -E -S -W [87252] A tall cast-iron streetlight arcs high overhead. A huge black crow is hopping around looking for some dinner. Asmond the piper is standing here. Kugol lumbers in from the north.

< 751h/751H 109v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |1|1|1|1|1| P: std >

.-. ,-, .-. .-. .-. .-. .-.+ + ------- .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-.
.-.+.-. .-. .-.+.-.+.-.
---- ----
.-. .-. .-. .@.+.#.+.!.
---- ----
.-. .-. .-. .-.+.-.+.-.
------------ ----
.-. .-. .-. .-. .-.+.-.
----- ---- ------
.-. .-. .-. .-. .-. .-.

A Manor of Smoky Grey Stone Exits: -E [87254] Corpse of an Ashstone noble is lying here. A glassteel display case rests here. An Ashstone noble stands here smoking a pipe. Kugol lumbers in from the east.

< 751h/751H 108v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |1|1|1|1|1| P: std >

[Reached train station: (87254) Ashstone noble]

[onNetworkOutput: glance Ashstone] An Ashstone noble is in an excellent condition. (Medium)

< 751h/751H 109v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |1|1|1|1|1| P: std >

[No longer moving. Spellcasting has resumed]

[onNetworkOutput: GCMD [Attacking: Ashstone]]

[MELEE: Sweeping Strike] SS ASHSTONE[onNetworkOutput: SS ASHSTONE] You group-say '[Attacking: Ashstone]'

< 751h/751H 110v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |1|1|1|1|1| P: std >

You sweep attack an Ashstone noble with unbound fury, knocking him off balance! Your weapon disharges a massive blast of crackling electricity! An Ashstone noble is stunned! An Ashstone noble crashes to the ground!

< 751h/751H 110v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 3|ap +|ev +|bs +| |1|1|1|1|1| T: Gurkz TC: excellent E: noble EC: few scratches EP: rcl P: std > [onNetworkOutput: LOOK] < 751h/751H 111v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 3|ap +|ev +|bs +| |1|1|1|1|1| T: Gurkz TC: excellent E: noble EC: few scratches EP: rcl P: std >

[MELEE: Bladestorm] BS[onNetworkOutput: BS] Your massive slash barely wounds an Ashstone noble. Your attack only grazes an Ashstone noble as he dodges aside! Your mighty slash barely wounds an Ashstone noble. Your massive slash barely wounds an Ashstone noble. An Ashstone noble dodges your futile attack. You miss an Ashstone noble with your slash. An Ashstone noble misses you with his hit. An Ashstone noble severely wounds you with his massive hit. OUCH! That really did HURT![onNetworkOutput: GROUP] [onNetworkOutput: FOLLOWERS]

You spin and leap through the fray, unleashing a torrent of steel on your enemies! You rain a series of deadly blows on an Ashstone noble!

< 669h/751H 112v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 2|ap +|ev +|bs 9| |1|1|2|1|1| T: Gurkz TC: small wounds E: noble EC: small wounds EP: rcl P: std > [SPELL: Hunters Mark] HM[onNetworkOutput: HM]

< 669h/751H 112v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 2|ap +|ev +|bs 9| |1|1|2|1|1| T: Gurkz TC: small wounds E: noble EC: small wounds EP: rcl P: std >

Kugol assists you heroically. Kugol barely wounds an Ashstone noble with his massive bludgeon.

< 669h/751H 112v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 2|ap +|ev +|bs 9| |1|1|2|1|1| T: Gurkz TC: small wounds E: noble EC: small wounds EP: rcl P: std >

You start chanting... [Casting: HM (Hunters Mark)]

< 669h/751H 112v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 2|ap +|ev +|bs 9| |1|1|2|1|1| T: Gurkz TC: small wounds E: noble EC: small wounds EP: rcl P: std >

You complete your spell... [ HM (Hunters Mark) ][onNetworkOutput: LOOK] an Ashstone noble is marked with a faint blue glow.

< 669h/751H 113v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 2|ap +|ev +|bs 9| |0|1|2|1|1| T: Gurkz TC: small wounds E: noble EC: small wounds EP: rcl P: std > < 669h/751H 114v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 2|ap +|ev +|bs 9| |0|1|2|1|1| T: Gurkz TC: small wounds E: noble EC: small wounds EP: rcl P: std > [SPELL: Blades of Fire] BOF[onNetworkOutput: BOF] Kugol barely wounds an Ashstone noble with his massive bludgeon. (x2) Kugol's attack only grazes an Ashstone noble as he dodges aside! Kugol barely wounds an Ashstone noble with his powerful bludgeon. You miss an Ashstone noble with your slash. Your massive slash barely wounds an Ashstone noble. You score a CRITICAL HIT! Your massive slash slightly wounds an Ashstone noble. Your massive slash barely wounds an Ashstone noble. (x2) An Ashstone noble misses you with his hit. (x2) You start chanting... [Casting: BOF (Blades of Fire)]

< 682h/751H 115v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 2|ap +|ev +|bs 9| |0|1|2|1|1| T: Gurkz TC: few scratches E: noble EC: few wounds EP: rcl P: std >

You complete your spell... [ BOF (Blades of Fire) ][onNetworkOutput: LOOK] Your weapons burst into searing white-hot flames.

< 682h/751H 116v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 1|ap +|ev +|bs 8| |0|1|1|1|1| T: Gurkz TC: few scratches E: noble EC: few wounds EP: rcl P: std > You are rescued by Kugol! You immediately assist Kugol in the fight!

< 682h/751H 116v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 1|ap +|ev +|bs 8| |0|1|1|1|1| T: Kugol TC: excellent E: noble EC: few wounds EP: rcl P: std > [ Rescue: Kugol ] [onNetworkOutput: RESCUE Kugol]

[Gurkz : the mystical circlet of the coiled serpent] Your massive flame-enshrouded slash barely wounds an Ashstone noble. (x2) You score a CRITICAL HIT! Your massive flame-enshrouded slash badly wounds an Ashstone noble. Your massive flame-enshrouded slash slightly wounds an Ashstone noble. You score a CRITICAL HIT! Your massive flame-enshrouded slash badly wounds an Ashstone noble.

< 705h/751H 116v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 1|ap +|ev +|bs 8| |0|1|1|1|1| T: Kugol TC: excellent E: noble EC: few wounds EP: rcl P: std > < 705h/751H 117v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 1|ap +|ev +|bs 8| |0|1|1|1|1| T: Kugol TC: excellent E: noble EC: few wounds EP: rcl P: std >

An Ashstone noble's senses seem to clear again! You fail the rescue.[onNetworkOutput: LOOK]

< 705h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 1|ap +|ev +|bs 8| |0|1|1|1|1| T: Kugol TC: excellent E: noble EC: few wounds EP: rcl P: std > [ Rescue: Kugol ] [onNetworkOutput: RESCUE Kugol]

Kugol blocks an Ashstone noble's attack with his shield! An Ashstone noble misses Kugol with his hit. An Ashstone noble clambers to his feet. An Ashstone noble dodges Kugol's attack. Kugol's attack only grazes an Ashstone noble as he dodges aside! Kugol barely wounds an Ashstone noble with his strong bludgeon. Kugol barely wounds an Ashstone noble with his massive bludgeon. You score a CRITICAL HIT! Your massive flame-enshrouded slash badly wounds an Ashstone noble. Your massive flame-enshrouded slash slightly wounds an Ashstone noble. An Ashstone noble dodges your futile attack. Your massive flame-enshrouded slash slightly wounds an Ashstone noble.

< 712h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 1|ap +|ev +|bs 8| |0|1|1|1|1| T: Kugol TC: excellent E: noble EC: nasty wounds EP: std P: std >

[MELEE: Armor Splinter] AP[onNetworkOutput: AP] [onNetworkOutput: GCMD [Ashstone Noble has nasty wounds!]]

Kugol drops into a defensive posture and raises his shield as he lands a strike on an Ashstone noble .

< 712h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 1|ap +|ev +|bs 7| |0|1|1|1|1| T: Kugol TC: excellent E: noble EC: nasty wounds EP: std P: std > Autosaving... < 712h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs 6| |0|1|1|1|1| T: Kugol TC: excellent E: noble EC: nasty wounds EP: std P: std >

You fail the rescue. [ Rescue: Kugol ] [onNetworkOutput: RESCUE Kugol]

< 712h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs 6| |0|1|1|1|1| T: Kugol TC: excellent E: noble EC: nasty wounds EP: std P: std >

An Ashstone noble misses Kugol with his hit. Kugol deflects an Ashstone noble's blow, and strikes back at an Ashstone noble! An Ashstone noble dodges Kugol's attack. (x2) Kugol barely wounds an Ashstone noble with his awesome bludgeon. (x2) Your massive flame-enshrouded slash slightly wounds an Ashstone noble. (x3) An Ashstone noble dodges your futile attack. Your massive flame-enshrouded slash slightly wounds an Ashstone noble.

< 729h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs 6| |0|1|1|1|1| T: Kugol TC: excellent E: noble EC: nasty wounds EP: std P: std > You strike the weak spots in an Ashstone noble's armor, leaving him vulnerable. An Ashstone noble trembles and appears vulnerable!

< 729h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap 6|ev +|bs 5| |0|1|1|1|1| T: Kugol TC: excellent E: noble EC: pretty hurt EP: std P: std >

You group-say '[Ashstone Noble has nasty wounds!]'

< 729h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap 6|ev +|bs 5| |0|1|1|1|1| T: Kugol TC: excellent E: noble EC: pretty hurt EP: std P: std >

An Ashstone noble misses Kugol with his hit. (x2) Kugol slightly wounds an Ashstone noble with his massive bludgeon. (x2) Kugol badly wounds an Ashstone noble with his massive bludgeon. Your attack only grazes an Ashstone noble as he dodges aside! Your massive flame-enshrouded slash slightly wounds an Ashstone noble. Your massive flame-enshrouded slash badly wounds an Ashstone noble. Your massive flame-enshrouded slash severely wounds an Ashstone noble. Your attack only grazes an Ashstone noble as he dodges aside! Your massive flame-enshrouded slash badly wounds an Ashstone noble. Your massive flame-enshrouded slash severely wounds an Ashstone noble. Banzai! To the rescue...[onNetworkOutput: LOOK]

< 747h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap 6|ev +|bs 5| |0|1|1|1|1| T: Gurkz TC: few scratches E: noble EC: pretty hurt EP: std P: std >

You parry an Ashstone noble's lunge at you. You partially deflect an Ashstone noble's lunge at you. An Ashstone noble slightly wounds you with his powerful hit. Kugol's attack only grazes an Ashstone noble as he dodges aside! Kugol slightly wounds an Ashstone noble with his powerful bludgeon. Kugol badly wounds an Ashstone noble with his massive bludgeon. (x2) Your massive flame-enshrouded slash wounds an Ashstone noble harshly. (x2) You score a CRITICAL HIT! You critically wound an Ashstone noble with a massive flame-enshrouded slash! An Ashstone noble staggers from your massive flame-enshrouded slash! You score a CRITICAL HIT! An Ashstone noble is nearly slain by the force of your massive flame-enshrouded slash!

< 730h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap 5|ev +|bs 4| |0|1|1|1|1| T: Gurkz TC: few scratches E: noble EC: awful EP: std P: std >

A Manor of Smoky Grey Stone [MELEE: Sweeping Strike] SS[onNetworkOutput: SS] < 730h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap 5|ev +|bs 4| |0|1|1|1|1| P: std >

No target for your power could be found!

< 730h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap 5|ev +|bs 4| |0|1|1|1|1| P: std >

You get a small pile of coins from corpse of an Ashstone noble. There were: 9 platinum coins, 22 gold coins, 5 silver coins.

< 730h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap 4|ev +|bs 3| |0|1|1|1|1| P: std >

[Blades of Fire has expired on Gurkz.]

The flames around your weapons subside.

< 731h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap 4|ev +|bs 3| |0|1|1|1|1| P: std >

Samem enters from the east.

< 751h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |1|2|1|1|2| P: std >

Samem leaves east.

< 751h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |1|2|1|1|2| P: std >

Corpse of an Ashstone noble melts into the ground, leaving no trace of its passing.

< 751h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |3|3|2|2|2| P: std >

An Ashstone noble blows a ring of smoke.

< 751h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |3|3|3|2|2| P: std >


< 751h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |3|3|3|2|2| P: std >

Geyreree ASSOC:: 'earth plane was a bust!'

< 751h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |3|3|3|3|2| P: std (AFK) >

An Ashstone noble blows a ring of smoke.

< 751h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |3|3|3|3|2| P: std (AFK) >

An Ashstone noble blows a ring of smoke.

< 751h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |3|3|3|3|2| P: std (AFK) > [onNetworkOutput: TIME] It is 5pm, on the day of the Great Gods The 33rd Day of the Month of Mithrian (the Wanting), Year 1038. Time elapsed since boot-up: 67:18:14 Current time is: Thu Oct 25 02:16:00 2018

< 751h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |3|3|3|3|2| P: std (AFK) > @set Usage: @set key value Example: @set loot off - turns off autoloot

      [sound] on                    off|limited|on  play sounds
        [map] on                            on|off  display map
   [maperror] false                     true|false  suppress map room errors
 [roomwindow] false                     true|false  display room window
    [minimap] true                      true|false  display minimap
    [swedish] false                     true|false  translate acc/etc to swedish
      [style] true                      true|false  use Qt icon stylesheet
  [hideicons] false                     true|false  hide lower icon bar
  [hideequip] true                      true|false  hide left equip icon bar
     [border] default                            *  file, default, or colour
   [numcolor] orange                             *  color of numbers on buttons
 [numcolcool] red                                *  color of numbers on buttons in cooldown

[colbuttonoff] #ff815a color of button when off [colbuttonon] white color of button when on [font] AvQest font to use for buttons [statname] train
[autoopen] false true|false auto-open doors [echodrag] false true|false gsay when a corpse is dragged [autoportal] true true|false auto enter rifts/portals/etc [movebuffer] 10 # maximum movements to send before buffering [condensed] misc false | combat false | spells true | dragon true | spellout false | duplicate true | debug false | echosend true | items true | arrows false | [vnum] true true|false display room vnum [chatfontsize] auto auto|# fontsize to use for the chat window [grpfontsize] 14 auto|# fontsize to use for the group window [reconnect] false false|# auto login this char number [endspell] vit vit|dsp|pwt|fly|grp|pfu|hst|dop|cbm
[gcmd] false true|false use gcmd instead of gsay [group] true true|false updated group display [assocchar] ezdad connect to association chat, storage [blurout] [[ BLUR OUT ]]
[displaceout] [[ DISPLACE OUT ]]
[globeout] [[ GLOBE OUT ]]

[hasteout] [[ HASTE OUT ]]
[scaleout] [[ SCALE OUT ]]

[stoneout] [[ STONE OUT ]]
[vitout] [[ VIT OUT ]]

[barkout] [[ BARK OUT ]] *

  [container] hole                               *  set the name of your main container
       [food]                                    *  food name to eat
    [canteen]                                    *  name of water container
   [autoloot] coins                  off|coins|all  
       [flee] off               on|off|dragon|lich  
 [autoassist] true                      true|false  assist people in combat
  [petrescue] ME                       NONE|ALL|ME  

  [auto_heal] true                      true|false  cast heal spells automatically
      [ranss] true                      true|false  
      [ranev] true                      true|false  
      [ranks] true                      true|false  
      [rancn] true                      true|false  
      [rants] true                      true|false  
      [rantr] true                      true|false  
      [ranbs] true                      true|false  
      [ranha] true                      true|false  
      [ranap] true                      true|false  
      [ransp] true                      true|false  
     [ranmsp] false                     true|false  cast misty path
      [ranhm] true                      true|false  mark enemy during combat
     [ranclw] true                      true|false  use winds during combat
     [ranclp] false                     true|false  use cloak of protection
     [ranclr] false                     true|false  use cloak of resilience
     [ranbof] true                      true|false  use blades of fire during combat
    [ranlita] true                      true|false  use lightning arrow during combat
     [raneld] true                      true|false  use electric discharge during combat
     [ranhot] true                      true|false  use hail of thorns during combat
     [rangrf] true                      true|false  use greenfire during combat
      [ranab] true                      true|false  use arctic barrage during combat
       [wuss]                                    *  always rescue and spell wuss
 [rescuetype] all                    off|basic|all  
   [autotank] false                     true|false  
   [autohide] false                     true|false  


< 751h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |3|3|3|3|2| P: std (AFK) >

Corpse of an Ashstone noble melts into the ground, leaving no trace of its passing.

< 751h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |3|3|3|3|2| P: std (AFK) >

An Ashstone noble blows a ring of smoke.

< 751h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |3|3|3|3|2| P: std (AFK) >

An Ashstone noble blows a ring of smoke.

< 751h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |3|3|3|3|2| P: std (AFK) > @debug information [onNetworkOutput: @debug information] Pardon?

< 751h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |3|3|3|3|2| P: std (AFK) > @debug

Script version: 9/16/2018 NyyLIB011dev https://github.com/Nyyrazzilyss/NyyLIB Screen size: X: 1920 Y: 906

hp: 751 maxhp: 751 mv: 118 maxmv: 118 T: TC: E: EC: EP: P: std (AFK)

promt:get(tank) -

spell:getCurrent(): nil spell:count(): 0 To memorize (memcount): 2791 Seen mem'ing (automem): 0 spell:getMoving(): false spell:getMem(): false look:get(): false group:get() false

meleePowerUsed false memsent: false lastsent: TIME sendingStatus: false mud.sending: nil

Who's tanking (groupList:whoTanking()): { Gurkz = 1 } {} getEnemy(): inCombat(): false assistSent: nil

{} [End debug]

An Ashstone noble blows

Gyrx commented 5 years ago

Just happened again, minutes later:

A Mammoth Mansion of Earthy Stone Exits: -W [87255] An Ashstone noble stands here solidly. Kugol lumbers in from the west.

< 548h/751H 116v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap 1|ev 7|bs 2| |2|2|3|1|2| P: std >

[Reached train station: (87255) Ashstone noble]

[onNetworkOutput: glance Ashstone] An Ashstone noble is in an excellent condition. (Medium)

< 549h/751H 116v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap 1|ev 7|bs 2| |2|2|3|1|2| P: std >

[No longer moving. Spellcasting has resumed]

[onNetworkOutput: GCMD [Attacking: Ashstone]]

[MELEE: Sweeping Strike] SS ASHSTONE [onNetworkOutput: SS ASHSTONE] You group-say '[Attacking: Ashstone]'

< 551h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev 5|bs 1| |2|2|3|1|2| P: std >

You sweep attack an Ashstone noble with unbound fury, knocking him off balance! Your weapon disharges a massive blast of crackling electricity! An Ashstone noble is stunned! An Ashstone noble crashes to the ground!

< 551h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 3|ap +|ev 5|bs 1| |2|2|3|1|2| T: Gurkz TC: few wounds E: noble EC: few scratches EP: rcl P: std > [onNetworkOutput: LOOK] < 551h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 3|ap +|ev 5|bs 1| |2|2|3|1|2| T: Gurkz TC: few wounds E: noble EC: few scratches EP: rcl P: std >

[MELEE: Armor Splinter] AP [onNetworkOutput: AP] You're not ready to perform another action!

< 552h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 3|ap +|ev 5|bs 1| |2|2|3|1|2| T: Gurkz TC: few wounds E: noble EC: few scratches EP: rcl P: std >

[MELEE: Twin Strike] TS [onNetworkOutput: TS] You're not ready to perform another action!

< 552h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 3|ap +|ev 5|bs 1| |2|2|3|1|2| T: Gurkz TC: few wounds E: noble EC: few scratches EP: rcl P: std > [SPELL: Hunters Mark] HM [onNetworkOutput: HM] You start chanting... [Casting: HM (Hunters Mark)]

< 552h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 3|ap +|ev 5|bs 1| |2|2|3|1|2| T: Gurkz TC: few wounds E: noble EC: few scratches EP: rcl P: std >

You complete your spell... [ HM (Hunters Mark) ] [onNetworkOutput: LOOK] an Ashstone noble is marked with a faint blue glow.

< 552h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 3|ap +|ev 5|bs 1| |1|2|3|1|2| T: Gurkz TC: few wounds E: noble EC: few scratches EP: rcl P: std >

[MELEE: Armor Splinter] AP [onNetworkOutput: AP] Your attack only grazes an Ashstone noble as he dodges aside! Your massive slash barely wounds an Ashstone noble. An Ashstone noble dodges your futile attack. Your massive slash barely wounds an Ashstone noble. Your massive slash badly wounds an Ashstone noble. You score a CRITICAL HIT! Your massive slash slightly wounds an Ashstone noble. An Ashstone noble misses you with his hit. An Ashstone noble's attack only grazes you as you dodge aside! An Ashstone noble badly wounds you with his powerful hit.

< 536h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 3|ap +|ev 5|bs 1| |1|2|3|1|2| T: Gurkz TC: few wounds E: noble EC: small wounds EP: rcl P: std > Kugol assists you heroically. Kugol barely wounds an Ashstone noble with his massive bludgeon.

< 536h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 3|ap +|ev 5|bs 1| |1|2|3|1|2| T: Gurkz TC: few wounds E: noble EC: small wounds EP: rcl P: std > < 536h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 2|ap +|ev 4|bs +| |1|2|3|1|2| T: Gurkz TC: few wounds E: noble EC: small wounds EP: rcl P: std >

You strike the weak spots in an Ashstone noble's armor, leaving him vulnerable. [SPELL: Greenfire] GRF [onNetworkOutput: GRF] An Ashstone noble trembles and appears vulnerable!

< 536h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 1|ap 6|ev 4|bs +| |1|2|3|1|2| T: Gurkz TC: few wounds E: noble EC: small wounds EP: rcl P: std >

You start chanting... [Casting: GRF (Greenfire)]

< 536h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 1|ap 6|ev 4|bs +| |1|2|3|1|2| T: Gurkz TC: few wounds E: noble EC: small wounds EP: rcl P: std >

You complete your spell... [ GRF (Greenfire) ] [onNetworkOutput: LOOK] Your weapons erupt in tendrils of virulent green flames!

< 536h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 1|ap 6|ev 4|bs +| |1|2|3|1|1| T: Gurkz TC: few wounds E: noble EC: small wounds EP: rcl P: std >

Kugol misses an Ashstone noble with his bludgeon. Kugol barely wounds an Ashstone noble with his massive bludgeon. Kugol's attack only grazes an Ashstone noble as he dodges aside! Kugol barely wounds an Ashstone noble with his mighty bludgeon. Your massive greenfire slash slightly wounds an Ashstone noble. (x3) Your massive greenfire slash barely wounds an Ashstone noble. Your massive greenfire slash slightly wounds an Ashstone noble. (x2) An Ashstone noble misses you with his hit. You dodge an Ashstone noble's vicious attack.

< 556h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 1|ap 6|ev 4|bs +| |1|2|3|1|1| T: Gurkz TC: few wounds E: noble EC: few wounds EP: rcl P: std >

You are rescued by Kugol! You immediately assist Kugol in the fight!

< 556h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 1|ap 6|ev 4|bs +| |1|2|3|1|1| T: Kugol TC: excellent E: noble EC: few wounds EP: rcl P: std >

An Ashstone noble's senses seem to clear again! [ Rescue: Kugol ]

[onNetworkOutput: RESCUE Kugol] < 556h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 1|ap 6|ev 4|bs +| |1|2|3|1|1| T: Kugol TC: excellent E: noble EC: few wounds EP: rcl P: std >

You fail the rescue. [ Rescue: Kugol ]

[onNetworkOutput: RESCUE Kugol]

< 556h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 1|ap 6|ev 4|bs +| |1|2|3|1|1| T: Kugol TC: excellent E: noble EC: few wounds EP: rcl P: std >

[MELEE: Bladestorm] BS [onNetworkOutput: BS]

[Cloak of the Winds has expired on Gurkz.] Kugol dodges an Ashstone noble's attack. An Ashstone noble misses Kugol with his hit. An Ashstone noble clambers to his feet. Kugol's attack only grazes an Ashstone noble as he dodges aside! Kugol barely wounds an Ashstone noble with his powerful bludgeon. Kugol barely wounds an Ashstone noble with his massive bludgeon. Kugol's attack only grazes an Ashstone noble as he dodges aside! Kugol barely wounds an Ashstone noble with his powerful bludgeon. Your massive greenfire slash barely wounds an Ashstone noble. (x2) Your massive greenfire slash slightly wounds an Ashstone noble. (x4)

< 572h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss 1|ap 5|ev 3|bs +| |1|2|3|1|1| T: Kugol TC: excellent E: noble EC: nasty wounds EP: std P: std > [onNetworkOutput: GCMD [Ashstone Noble has nasty wounds!]]

Your cloak of winds vanishes.

< 572h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap 4|ev 2|bs +| |1|2|3|1|1| T: Kugol TC: excellent E: noble EC: nasty wounds EP: std P: std > You fail the rescue. [onNetworkOutput: LOOK] Kugol drops into a defensive posture and raises his shield as he lands a strike on an Ashstone noble .

< 572h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap 4|ev 2|bs +| |1|2|3|1|1| T: Kugol TC: excellent E: noble EC: nasty wounds EP: std P: std > [ Rescue: Kugol ]

[onNetworkOutput: RESCUE Kugol]

Kugol dodges an Ashstone noble's attack. An Ashstone noble misses Kugol with his hit. An Ashstone noble, in a show of awesome skill, manages to trip up himself! Kugol's attack only grazes an Ashstone noble as he dodges aside! Kugol barely wounds an Ashstone noble with his massive bludgeon. Kugol slightly wounds an Ashstone noble with his massive bludgeon. (x2) Your attack only grazes an Ashstone noble as he dodges aside! Your massive greenfire slash slightly wounds an Ashstone noble. Your massive greenfire slash severely wounds an Ashstone noble. (x3) You score a CRITICAL HIT! Your massive greenfire slash brutally wounds an Ashstone noble.

< 588h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap 4|ev 2|bs +| |1|2|3|1|1| T: Kugol TC: excellent E: noble EC: pretty hurt EP: rcl P: std >

You spin and leap through the fray, unleashing a torrent of steel on your enemies! You rain a series of deadly blows on an Ashstone noble! Tendrils of acidic greenfire leap from your weapon! (x2)

< 588h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap 3|ev 1|bs 9| |1|2|3|1|1| T: Kugol TC: excellent E: noble EC: awful EP: rcl P: std >

You group-say '[Ashstone Noble has nasty wounds!]'

< 588h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap 3|ev 1|bs 9| |1|2|3|1|1| T: Kugol TC: excellent E: noble EC: awful EP: rcl P: std >

< 588h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap 3|ev 1|bs 9| |1|2|3|1|1| P: std >

But nobody is fighting him?

< 588h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap 3|ev 1|bs 9| |1|2|3|1|1| P: std > You get a small pile of coins from corpse of an Ashstone noble. There were: 10 platinum coins, 18 gold coins, 3 silver coins, 1 copper coin.

< 588h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap 2|ev 1|bs 8| |1|2|3|1|1| P: std >

[Greenfire has expired on Gurkz.]

The virulent green flames coating your weapons are extinguished.

< 599h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs 4| |1|2|3|1|1| P: std > acc wow just happened again. :/ [onNetworkOutput: ACC wow just happened again. :/] You ASSOC: 'wow just happened again. :/'

< 619h/751H 118v/118V |bds +|ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |1|2|3|1|1| P: std > @debug

Script version: 9/16/2018 NyyLIB011dev https://github.com/Nyyrazzilyss/NyyLIB Screen size: X: 1920 Y: 906

hp: 619 maxhp: 751 mv: 118 maxmv: 118 T: TC: E: EC: EP: P: std

promt:get(tank) -

spell:getCurrent(): nil spell:count(): 0 To memorize (memcount): 2797 Seen mem'ing (automem): 0 spell:getMoving(): false spell:getMem(): false look:get(): false group:get() false

meleePowerUsed false memsent: false lastsent: ACC wow just happened again. :/ sendingStatus: false mud.sending: nil

Who's tanking (groupList:whoTanking()): { Kugol = 1 } {} getEnemy(): inCombat(): false assistSent: nil

{} [End debug]

Nyyrazzilyss commented 5 years ago


< 1170h/1170H 134v/148V |lh +|ds 70|bs +|rc +|ws +|ss 1|es +| |3|3|1|1|0| T: Samem TC: excellent E: noble EC: awful EP: rcl P: std > But nobody is fighting him? LOOK

[onNetworkOutput: LOOK]

< 1170h/1170H 135v/148V |lh +|ds 70|bs +|rc +|ws +|ss 1|es +| |3|3|1|1|0| T: Samem TC: excellent E: noble EC: awful EP: rcl P: std >

In a Heavily Buttressed Mansion of Red Brick Exits: -E [87257] - -A few scattered blood droplets cover the area. -Corpse of an Ashstone noble is lying here. -A flat-looking longsword has been discarded here. -Miniboble (Gnome) stands here, fighting an Ashstone noble. -An Ashstone noble is lying here, fighting YOU!(Red Aura) -Miniboble's righteous blow shatters an Ashstone noble in a blast of divine power! -an Ashstone noble is dead! R.I.P. [Setting enemy to: ] -You receive 1 XP (0.00%) experience. get coins corpse

[onNetworkOutput: get coins corpse] [setBashing : false] -Your blood freezes as you hear the rattling death cry of an Ashstone noble.

[Calling function: NextTrainStop()]

< 1170h/1170H 136v/148V |lh +|ds 70|bs +|rc +|ws +|ss 1|es +| |3|3|1|1|0| P: std >

You get a small pile of coins from corpse of an Ashstone noble. There were: 12 platinum coins, 27 gold coins, 7 silver coins, 2 copper coins.

< 1170h/1170H 136v/148V |lh +|ds 69|bs +|rc +|ws +|ss +|es +| |3|3|1|1|0| P: std > [look sent and not received] [look sent and not received]

A wave of pain tears at your body as you fall from a mindless cycle of rage.

< 1122h/1120H 119v/148V |lh +|ds 68|bs +|rc +|ws +|ss +|es +| |3|3|1|1|0| P: std > [look sent and not received] [look sent and not received]

Nyyrazzilyss commented 5 years ago

function look:send() if not look:get() or look:get() == "LOOKSTART" then

likely works, testing

Nyyrazzilyss commented 5 years ago

12/16/18 dev