Nyyrazzilyss / NyyLIB

Mudlet client script for Torilmud
GNU General Public License v2.0
7 stars 4 forks source link

Running "@starttrain fol" as cleric shows a bunch of errors #348

Open byzanthia opened 2 months ago

byzanthia commented 2 months ago

I'm not sure if I broke something on my end? But I get these error messages. I thought vigilant protector is a warrior power, so I'm not sure why this is being shown:

Teffariomple parries High Holycoin Ishaya Wyman's lunge at him.
High Holycoin Ishaya Wyman misses Teffariomple with her hit.
Teffariomple barely wounds High Holycoin Ishaya Wyman with his massive slash.
Teffariomple barely wounds High Holycoin Ishaya Wyman with his massive slash.

< 286h/286H 166v/166V P: std >
< |sbite +|tsw +| >     
@starttrain fol
[Setting statname to unset]
[Error: file C:/Users/cherz/.config/mudlet/profiles/Torilmud/NyyLIB013dev/buttons/vigilant_protector-off.png not found]
[All train triggers disabled]
[Laying train tracks...]
[Starting train car...]
[Setting autoloot to off]
[Error: file C:/Users/cherz/.config/mudlet/profiles/Torilmud/NyyLIB013dev/buttons/vigilant_protector-off.png not found]
[Setting flee to on]
[Error: file C:/Users/cherz/.config/mudlet/profiles/Torilmud/NyyLIB013dev/buttons/vigilant_protector-off.png not found]
[Setting autoassist to true]
[Error: file C:/Users/cherz/.config/mudlet/profiles/Torilmud/NyyLIB013dev/buttons/vigilant_protector-off.png not found]
[Starting: Caster train triggers]
[Setting autocast to true]
[Error: file C:/Users/cherz/.config/mudlet/profiles/Torilmud/NyyLIB013dev/buttons/vigilant_protector-off.png not found]
[Setting autoharm to true]
[Error: file C:/Users/cherz/.config/mudlet/profiles/Torilmud/NyyLIB013dev/buttons/vigilant_protector-off.png not found]
You now flee at 286 hit points or less!

I looked in that path and see 45 PNG files, but no vigilant_protector* file(s).