Nyyrazzilyss / NyyLIB

Mudlet client script for Torilmud
GNU General Public License v2.0
7 stars 4 forks source link

Wizards / illusionists released, grouping and rescues no longer working #367

Open byzanthia opened 1 month ago

byzanthia commented 1 month ago

It's spitting out errors now for the new Wiz class and illusionist subclass. Rescues don't seem to be working either after this change.

< 1294h/1294H 280v/280V P: std >
< |ss +|sk +|ua +|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd +|iw +|vip +| >     
"groupList:add nil class"
"Wiz""groupList:add nil class"

< 1294h/1294H 280v/280V P: std >
< |ss +|sk +|ua +|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd +|iw +|vip +| >     
 Listing of the Staff
[ FORGER CODER  ] Shevarash -The Black Archer, Vengeful Hunter of Drow

There are 1 visible staff member(s) on.

 Listing of the Mortals!
[50 Bar] Rerole  (Halfling) (@Hue)
[50 Sor] Venlarin  (Moon Elf) (RP) (@Venlarin)
[50 War] Cherzra  (Troll) (@Cherzra)
[10 Ele] Gondir  (Human) (@Evangelon)
[49 War] Maaleshiiral  (Moon Elf) (AFK) (@Trevallin)
[50 Enc] Lilabipple  (Gnome) (@Lilithelle)
[50 Sor] Nomoradomol  (Gnome) (@Krabat)
[43 Rog] Xane  (Drow Elf) (@Jacob)
[50 Hex] Jazar  (Barbarian) (@Jasix)
[50 Cle] Rovasa  (Human) (@Brynna)
[50 Wiz] Matildilile  (Gnome) (@Faedril)
[50 Wiz] Ssates  (Yuan-Ti) (@Gehadron)
[50 Wiz] Zeliira  (Drow Elf) (AFK) (@Enth)
[50 Sor] Ripadiple - Crew of the Valkurian Blades (Gnome) (RP) (@Thivar)
[35 Wiz] Innovullala  (Gnome) (@Innova)
[50 Wiz] Hibbidy Dibbidy (Gnome) (RP) (@Hibbidy)
[50 Psi] Nyyrazzilyss - Head Jailer of the Valkurian Blades (Illithid) (AFK) (@Nyyrazzilyss)
[50 Ran] Sylvana  (Half-Elf) (@Salvana)
[ 1 Bar] Katumi  (Half-Elf) (@Helper)
[50 Enc] Pickile  (Halfling) (@Hamwich)
[50 Bar] Kegor  (Human) (@Kegor)
[50 Psi] Ynndchiarhlizz - The Nexus (Illithid) (@Krimic)

There are 22 mortal(s) on.

Total players online: 23.
Record number of players on this boot:  27.

< 1294h/1294H 280v/280V P: std >
< |ss +|sk +|ua +|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd +|iw +|vip +| >     

Lilabipple opens the wall.

< 1294h/1294H 280v/280V P: std >
< |ss +|sk +|ua +|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd +|iw +|vip +| >     

Lilabipple starts casting a spell called 'Blur'

< 1294h/1294H 280v/280V P: std >
< |ss +|sk +|ua +|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd +|iw +|vip +| >     

Group information for Lilabipple and Company
Size:  9
(Head)                   150/150  move   1118/1118  hit - Lilabipple
                         165/165  move   1182/1137  hit - Jazar
                         160/160  move   1176/1176  hit - Rovasa
          432/455  man   145/145  move   1245/1224  hit - Rerole
                         270/270  move   1153/1153  hit - Venlarin
                         280/280  move   1294/1294  hit - Cherzra
                         150/150  move    763/763   hit - Nomoradomol
          389/389  psp   166/166  move   1208/1208  hit - Ssates"groupList:add nil class"
                         250/250  move   1113/1113  hit - Matildilile"groupList:add nil class"

< 1294h/1294H 280v/280V P: std >
Nyyrazzilyss commented 1 month ago

"Wiz" needs to be added in a number of places.

script: initNyyLIB

NyyLIB.classes = { "War", "UNK", "Blk", "Pal", "Cle", "Dru", "Sha", "Ctr", "Bar", "Enc", "Psi", "Inv", "Lic", "Ill", "Ele", "Nec", "Rog", "Hex", "Ran", "Sor", "Wiz" }

NyyLIB.fullclasslist add: {"Wizard", "Wiz"},

script: checkMask

add: "Wiz" to the tables classes: noPsi, nopriest, nocleric, all, petrescue, caster, mage, noMemCaster, powerCaster add: wiz = { "Wiz" },

Restart mudlet.