O-Hahn / node-red-contrib-cos

NodeRed nodes to manage objects in the IBM Cloud Object Storage based on S3-API
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IBM COS endpoint is hard-coded, no way to change #19

Closed dianadujing closed 3 years ago

dianadujing commented 3 years ago

Hi @O-Hahn ,

I was using this plugin in my Node-Red app on IBM Cloud. And I noticed that the endpoint of IBM S3 COS is hard-coded like this: s3.us-east.objectstorage.softlayer.net .

Recently, I received an email notifying that IBM COS endpoint ended with .objectstorage.softlayer.net will be shutdown by the end of this month, only .cloud-object-storage.appdomain.cloud will be supported in the future. Can you please update this plugin accordingly or make it configurable?

Thanks, DJ

O-Hahn commented 3 years ago

changed - fixed in new version - also use "manual" - there you can point to your instance manually

dianadujing commented 3 years ago

@O-Hahn Thank you! I have unpublished forked lib and left deprecation message on npm.