O-clock-Dev / bbb-session-insights

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Find a new name for the project #13

Closed clementgoclock closed 1 month ago

clementgoclock commented 1 month ago

As the project has evolved and is no longer just about listing "learning dashboards", I think it's relevant to find another name.

The current name: learning-dashboard-listing.

There's a nomenclature in the BBB universe where projects start with bbb-. There are already two small projects, bbb-dashboard and bbb-dashboards, which only have a few stars and have been abandoned for a few years. But the word "dashboard" is usually associated with data vizualization such as metrics with graphs.

We can already describe the project and where we're heading. The aim of this project is to list, or even offer for download, data from BBB meetings such as learning dashboards, replays (playback or MP4 video) and chat messages. It doesn't need to be linked to a BBB server; it can simply describe the data contained in /var/bigbluebutton and then, after data synchronization or alongside a BBB in a Docker container.

So i asked some LLM:


If I have to choose one name for your project, I would select bbb-data-explorer. Here’s why:

  1. Descriptive Clarity: "Data explorer" succinctly describes the primary function of the project—navigating and interacting with various types of data collected from BigBlueButton sessions, including learning dashboards, replays, and chat messages.
  2. Broad Scope: This term is broad enough to encompass a wide range of functionalities related to data management, providing the flexibility to add more features in the future without needing a name change.
  3. User Appeal: The concept of "explorer" implies an interactive and engaging experience, attracting users who want to delve into and manage their BigBlueButton data effectively.
  4. Community Consistency: Starting with "bbb-", the name adheres to the naming conventions within the BigBlueButton community, making it easily recognizable and trustworthy for users familiar with BBB.
  5. Memorability: "Data explorer" is straightforward and easy to remember, effectively communicating the project's purpose at a glance.
  6. SEO-friendly: The combination of "bbb", "data", and "explorer" is likely to perform well in search engine queries related to BigBlueButton data management, enhancing the project's visibility.
  7. Versatility: The term "explorer" suggests a dynamic tool that can evolve to include more sophisticated data exploration and analysis features over time.

In conclusion, bbb-data-explorer is a name that captures the essence of your project while providing room for future growth. It is user-friendly, aligns with community standards, and is designed to be easily discoverable through search engines. This makes it a robust and suitable choice for your open-source project on GitHub.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet

As Claude 3.5, I would choose the name bbb-session-insights for your project. Here's my reasoning:

  1. Descriptive and Focused: "Session insights" accurately captures the core purpose of your project - providing valuable information and analysis from BigBlueButton meeting sessions.
  2. Value Proposition: The term "insights" implies that the tool doesn't just present raw data, but offers meaningful analysis and valuable takeaways from the session data.
  3. Broader Appeal: While "analyzer" might appeal more to technical users, "insights" has a broader appeal, potentially attracting both technical and non-technical users interested in understanding their meeting data better.
  4. Future-Proof: This name allows for expansion of features beyond just data exploration or analysis. It could encompass reporting, visualization, or even predictive analytics in the future.
  5. Community Alignment: The "bbb-" prefix adheres to the BigBlueButton community naming convention, making it easily identifiable as part of the BBB ecosystem. Unique Positioning: Among the suggested names, "insights" stands out as it focuses on the outcome (valuable insights) rather than just the process (exploring or analyzing).
  6. SEO Friendly: The combination of "bbb", "session", and "insights" is likely to perform well in search results for users looking for tools to better understand their BigBlueButton meeting data. Positive Connotation: "Insights" has a positive connotation, suggesting the tool will provide valuable, actionable information, which could increase user interest and adoption.

This name effectively communicates the project's purpose while leaving room for growth and additional features. It strikes a balance between being descriptive, appealing, and aligned with the BigBlueButton community standards.

Knowing that previously he had chosen bbb-session-analyzer, which I don't prefer but shows the logic behind it.

Names list generated

By both previous LLM

bbb-analytics-dashboard bbb-analytics-platform bbb-analytics-portal bbb-content-curator bbb-content-hub bbb-data-explorer bbb-data-nexus  bbb-data-vault bbb-data-warehouse bbb-insight-engine bbb-insight-extractor bbb-meeting-analyzer bbb-meeting-chronicle bbb-meeting-insights bbb-meeting-journal bbb-meeting-manager bbb-meeting-mirror bbb-replay-archive bbb-replay-central bbb-replay-repository bbb-resource-index bbb-session-analyzer bbb-session-archive bbb-session-harvester bbb-session-harvester bbb-session-insights bbb-session-librarian

clementgoclock commented 1 month ago

We think we'll go with bbb-session-insights 🚀

clementgoclock commented 1 month ago
