O-n-y / oxy.mods

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No Drop Bug #28

Closed TheExceed closed 3 years ago

TheExceed commented 3 years ago
UnityEngine.GameObject.GetComponent[T] () (at <a35d771e78bd4d75a6f3aedeaad4d1ed>:0)
Ony.OxygenNotIncluded.NoDrop.FetchChore_FindFetchTarget.Prefix (FetchChore __instance, Pickupable& __result, ChoreConsumerState consumer_state) (at <dd00e5767eaa43ab96216cee53dbcbfe>:0)
(wrapper dynamic-method) FetchChore.FindFetchTarget_Patch1(object,ChoreConsumerState)
FetchChore+<>c.<.cctor>b__40_0 (Chore+Precondition+Context& context, System.Object data) (at <a8d8cafbcd164cda9f477d36796bfc75>:0)
Chore+Precondition+Context.RunPreconditions () (at <a8d8cafbcd164cda9f477d36796bfc75>:0)
Chore.CollectChores (ChoreConsumerState consumer_state, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] succeeded_contexts, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] failed_contexts, System.Boolean is_attempting_override) (at <a8d8cafbcd164cda9f477d36796bfc75>:0)
FetchChore.CollectChoresFromGlobalChoreProvider (ChoreConsumerState consumer_state, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] succeeded_contexts, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] failed_contexts, System.Boolean is_attempting_override) (at <a8d8cafbcd164cda9f477d36796bfc75>:0)
GlobalChoreProvider.CollectChores (ChoreConsumerState consumer_state, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] succeeded, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] failed_contexts) (at <a8d8cafbcd164cda9f477d36796bfc75>:0)
ChoreConsumer.FindNextChore (Chore+Precondition+Context& out_context) (at <a8d8cafbcd164cda9f477d36796bfc75>:0)
Brain.FindBetterChore (Chore+Precondition+Context& context) (at <a8d8cafbcd164cda9f477d36796bfc75>:0)
Brain.UpdateChores () (at <a8d8cafbcd164cda9f477d36796bfc75>:0)
Brain.UpdateBrain () (at <a8d8cafbcd164cda9f477d36796bfc75>:0)
MinionBrain.UpdateBrain () (at <a8d8cafbcd164cda9f477d36796bfc75>:0)
BrainScheduler+BrainGroup.RenderEveryTick (System.Single dt, System.Boolean isAsyncPathProbeEnabled) (at <a8d8cafbcd164cda9f477d36796bfc75>:0)
BrainScheduler.RenderEveryTick (System.Single dt) (at <a8d8cafbcd164cda9f477d36796bfc75>:0)
SimAndRenderScheduler+RenderEveryTickUpdater.Update (IRenderEveryTick updater, System.Single dt) (at <1dcc11867b524f7cb2488468843e982e>:0)
UpdateBucketWithUpdater`1[DataType].Update (System.Single dt) (at <1dcc11867b524f7cb2488468843e982e>:0)
StateMachineUpdater+BucketGroup.AdvanceOneSubTick (System.Single dt) (at <1dcc11867b524f7cb2488468843e982e>:0)
StateMachineUpdater.RenderEveryTick (System.Single dt) (at <1dcc11867b524f7cb2488468843e982e>:0)
Game.LateUpdate () (at <a8d8cafbcd164cda9f477d36796bfc75>:0)

Idk if this is related to No Drop but ONI disables No drop when it happens. I did everything the trouble shooter said to do nothing fixed it.

O-n-y commented 3 years ago

Please follow how to report issue from https://github.com/O-n-y/oxy.mods providing mod version you are using and other information

TheExceed commented 3 years ago

Mod Ver: Description: I have no idea what causes it. I will just play for 1-3 cycles and it crashes. Save: Doom Bug - before neuro.zip Error:

UnityEngine.GameObject.GetComponent[T] () (at <a35d771e78bd4d75a6f3aedeaad4d1ed>:0)
Ony.OxygenNotIncluded.NoDrop.FetchChore_FindFetchTarget.Prefix (FetchChore __instance, Pickupable& __result, ChoreConsumerState consumer_state) (at <dd00e5767eaa43ab96216cee53dbcbfe>:0)
(wrapper dynamic-method) FetchChore.FindFetchTarget_Patch1(object,ChoreConsumerState)
FetchChore+<>c.<.cctor>b__40_0 (Chore+Precondition+Context& context, System.Object data) (at <a8d8cafbcd164cda9f477d36796bfc75>:0)
Chore+Precondition+Context.RunPreconditions () (at <a8d8cafbcd164cda9f477d36796bfc75>:0)
Chore.CollectChores (ChoreConsumerState consumer_state, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] succeeded_contexts, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] failed_contexts, System.Boolean is_attempting_override) (at <a8d8cafbcd164cda9f477d36796bfc75>:0)
FetchChore.CollectChoresFromGlobalChoreProvider (ChoreConsumerState consumer_state, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] succeeded_contexts, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] failed_contexts, System.Boolean is_attempting_override) (at <a8d8cafbcd164cda9f477d36796bfc75>:0)
GlobalChoreProvider.CollectChores (ChoreConsumerState consumer_state, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] succeeded, System.Collections.Generic.List`1[T] failed_contexts) (at <a8d8cafbcd164cda9f477d36796bfc75>:0)
ChoreConsumer.FindNextChore (Chore+Precondition+Context& out_context) (at <a8d8cafbcd164cda9f477d36796bfc75>:0)
Brain.FindBetterChore (Chore+Precondition+Context& context) (at <a8d8cafbcd164cda9f477d36796bfc75>:0)
Brain.UpdateChores () (at <a8d8cafbcd164cda9f477d36796bfc75>:0)
Brain.UpdateBrain () (at <a8d8cafbcd164cda9f477d36796bfc75>:0)
MinionBrain.UpdateBrain () (at <a8d8cafbcd164cda9f477d36796bfc75>:0)
BrainScheduler+BrainGroup.RenderEveryTick (System.Single dt, System.Boolean isAsyncPathProbeEnabled) (at <a8d8cafbcd164cda9f477d36796bfc75>:0)
BrainScheduler.RenderEveryTick (System.Single dt) (at <a8d8cafbcd164cda9f477d36796bfc75>:0)
SimAndRenderScheduler+RenderEveryTickUpdater.Update (IRenderEveryTick updater, System.Single dt) (at <1dcc11867b524f7cb2488468843e982e>:0)
UpdateBucketWithUpdater`1[DataType].Update (System.Single dt) (at <1dcc11867b524f7cb2488468843e982e>:0)
StateMachineUpdater+BucketGroup.AdvanceOneSubTick (System.Single dt) (at <1dcc11867b524f7cb2488468843e982e>:0)
StateMachineUpdater.RenderEveryTick (System.Single dt) (at <1dcc11867b524f7cb2488468843e982e>:0)
Game.LateUpdate () (at <a8d8cafbcd164cda9f477d36796bfc75>:0)
O-n-y commented 3 years ago

Have you tried disabling other mods you have activated and check if you still have the same issue? If this the case I would need the mod name which causes this (disabling one by one could help to determine it)

TheExceed commented 3 years ago

I use 63 mods.. haha It would take me quite a bit of time to check that.

O-n-y commented 3 years ago

firstly disable all except this one (you can leave other my mods active if you have) and see if you have an issue. if no, enable third-party mods in bulk - like enable 10 mods at first pass check if you have it, etc, so you could minimize the amount of iteration.

TheExceed commented 3 years ago

After spending the last 8 hours trying to pinpoint it, I could not pinpoint it. I did it in groups, but after removing all but that group when it started, it didn't do it. So I have given up on trying. It does not happen if No Drop is disabled.

O-n-y commented 3 years ago

So, have you tried without other mods only this mod on? This could be due to some mods mess up with this and add incompatibility, but to check this, I would need to know which one or which circumstances cause this to happen

TheExceed commented 3 years ago

Yes I did, it happened once with only the mod after like 30 cycles but with mods it happens much more frequent. I added mods 1-10, nothing happened, added modes 11-20 and it crashed, removed mods 1-10 and it didnt crash with only mods 11-20. Then same thing happened with mods 41-50. That's why I gave up, I couldn't pin it to 1 single mod. Say I gave up. I can give you a full list of my mods if that would help.

O-n-y commented 3 years ago

if you have this without other mods, send me a zip with a save file, before the crash (game saves each cycle), so I will check if it can be replicated

TheExceed commented 3 years ago

I sent one in an earlier post. But it was really random with the crash. Didn't happen everytime

TheExceed commented 3 years ago

Again, tried enabling 10 at a time and now it's not happening. So idk whats going on... It seemed to happen after autosaves.

O-n-y commented 3 years ago

As I said before, just run without mods, when it crashes - attach the last autosave before crash. Should be repetitive from the last autosave.

TheExceed commented 3 years ago

That's the thing, I have started from previous autosave.. does not immediately do it at the same point in time. It's random.

TheExceed commented 3 years ago

I think it would be easier to send my list of mods and save file and see if you can figure it out. Because at this point idk what to do. I put nodrop at the very top of the mod manager assuming that loads it first.