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[DGSM - Duplicants Generation Settings Manager] REROLL buttons disappear #64

Closed jpetays closed 2 years ago

jpetays commented 2 years ago

REROLL buttons disappear if you close and then reopen "Select a Blueprint" dialog.

I disabled all mods except this mod DGSM - Duplicants Generation Settings Manager, mod manager and Bigger Camera Zoom Out. I started a new game. On cycle 12 I opened "Select a Blueprint" and closed it immediately. Then I opened it again "REROLL" buttons have disappeared. There is only blank space where they were previously. This should be easily reproducible. before: oni_1before after: oni_2after

O-n-y commented 2 years ago

Can you provide your DGSM settings? As i could not reproduce the issue on the last release build

O-n-y commented 2 years ago


jpetays commented 2 years ago

Here is my mods.json, mod_info.yaml and config.json (as text files).

I tested again few times a bit differently and on both times Reroll buttons disappeared as in my original post. "Pause on ready to print" is only one that seems somehow related to this issue.

I have not touched DGSM settings so config.json should be in default values. BTW, there is a typo in "DESCRIPTION": "All ptinted Duplicants will have this amount of interests"

As there is the workaround not to close "Select a Blueprint" dialog after you have opened it first time and IMO there is no easy way to have better diagnostics you could just close this and maybe add a notice like: Known issues: Under some rare mod combinations it is possible that Reroll buttons can disappear if you close "Select a Blueprint" dialog and then reopen it again.

mods.json.txt mod_info.yaml.txt config.json.txt

O-n-y commented 2 years ago

Pause on ready to print - where this option from ?

jpetays commented 2 years ago

Pause on Ready To Print is a mod I have installed and IMO only one in addition to DGSM that is somehow related to Printing Pod.

O-n-y commented 2 years ago

currently, i could not replicate this, but if I do, it will be fixed

O-n-y commented 2 years ago

please write me PM in discord