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O365.utils.utils.Query.any does not support negate() and does not follow the group? #1058

Open execcr opened 4 months ago

execcr commented 4 months ago

Hi, i was trying to rewrite this query that is working with Psotman and the O365 messages endpoint: NOT(categories/any(a:a eq 'Category1') or categories/any(a:a eq 'Category2'))

I had thought that this could have been the equivalent code (Note: the operation=ne is not supported with categories):

query = mailbox.new_query()
query.all(collection='categories', word="Category1", operation='eq')
query.any(collection='categories', word=''Category2', operation='eq')

but the output had the "not" missing: Filter is: {'$filter': "(categories/any(a:a eq 'Category1') or categories/any(a:a eq 'Category2'))"} With the on_Attribute method the filter is producing this output: Query:

query = mailbox.new_query()
query = query.on_attribute('subject').contains('value1')
query = query.chain('or')
query = query.on_attribute('subject').contains('value2')

Output: Filter is {'$filter': "(not contains(subject, 'value1') or not contains(subject, 'value2'))"} I would expect this output:

{'$filter': "not(contains(subject, 'value1') or contains(subject, 'value2'))"} any hint?

alejcas commented 4 months ago


Does nothing.

assign to query again:

query = query.open_group().negate()

and do the same for the following

execcr commented 4 months ago

Thanks, i've tried as you says. The result is the same. The not negation is not added to the filter.

This is the code:

query = mailbox.new_query()
query = query.open_group().negate()
query = query.any(collection='categories', word="Category1", operation='eq')
query = query.chain('or')
query = query.any(collection='categories', word='Category2', operation='eq')
query = query.close_group()

this is the filter created: Filtro creato: {'$filter': "(categories/any(a:a eq 'Category1') or categories/any(a:a eq 'Category2'))"}

alejcas commented 2 months ago

I see! I'll try to fix it

Query can either be a Query object or a string, so pass the string filter you want for now

alejcas commented 2 months ago

Fixed in 094399b2a5d5aab3481e2189d17e563e61c62c81

To negate groups (or anything) the negate should go BEFORE the action, so:

query = mailbox.new_query()
query = query.negate().open_group()  # negate goes first! or otherwise will negate the first any on the group
query = query.any(collection='categories', word="Category1", operation='eq')
query = query.chain('or')
query = query.any(collection='categories', word='Category2', operation='eq')
query = query.close_group()

You can also negate the condition inside the 'any' or 'all' iterables using the negation argument:

query = mailbox.new_query()
query = query.negate().any(collection='categories', word="Category1", operation='eq', negation=True)

This outputs:

Filter: not categories/any(a:not a eq 'Category1')
Order: None
Select: None
Expand: None
Search: None

Please report back if this now works as expected
