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BIE 'Upgrade available' feature for SDLC #520

Open dubnemo opened 6 years ago

dubnemo commented 6 years ago

Need ability to provide user the ability to know when their extension is now added into the OAGIS standard.
Standards Development Lifecycle (SDLC) suggests the following: 1) User does not find a semantic use case in a component, noun, or BOD 2) User creates an extension in the BIE for their business need 3) User submits to OAGi the extension into the SDLC for review and approval 4) OAGi team vets the submission, and either a) suggests an alternative naming b) rejects the submission pointing to equivalent semantic that the user missed, or c) accepts the submission. 5) User is notified of the status 6) If accepted, in the BIE List view, 'Upgrade available' is displayed to show the user that they should version their BIE to include their submission as of a 'release' 7) After completion, older BIE version is marked as deprecated to their organization's usage.

mrowell44 commented 6 years ago

We need to capture the lineage of entity from definition to submission to acceptance.

mrowell44 commented 6 years ago

Devops Road Map To capture additions to push the changes out with the new updates....

Using this tooling to drive membership interest discussion

More agile approach to get releases identify what is in OAGIS vs what should extensions.