OAI / Arazzo-Specification

The Arazzo Specification - A Tapestry for Deterministic API Workflows
Apache License 2.0
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Schema object is not defined in the specification #222

Closed jeremyfiel closed 1 month ago

jeremyfiel commented 1 month ago

I believe Arazzo should also have a section for #schema-object which defines the same as the OpenAPI.

The OpenAPI Schema Object dialect is defined as requiring the OAS base vocabulary, in addition to the vocabularies as specified in the JSON Schema draft 2020-12 general purpose meta-schema.

The OpenAPI Schema Object dialect for this version of the specification is identified by the URI https://spec.openapis.org/oas/3.1/dialect/base (the “OAS dialect schema id”).

The following properties are taken from the JSON Schema specification but their definitions have been extended by the OAS:

description - CommonMark syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. format - See Data Type Formats for further details. While relying on JSON Schema’s defined formats, the OAS offers a few additional predefined formats. In addition to the JSON Schema properties comprising the OAS dialect, the Schema Object supports keywords from any other vocabularies, or entirely arbitrary properties.

do not copy this text verbatim because it references the OAS dialect that is not used in Arazzo. The description and format keywords seem to follow the same behavior as OAS

frankkilcommins commented 1 month ago

We chose not to have a Schema Object so as to steer clear of sub-set/super-set situations.