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How to state parameter requirements in HTTP headers? #2458

Open lmmarsano opened 3 years ago

lmmarsano commented 3 years ago

For example, as described in the guide, in a request such as

POST /upload HTTP/1.1
Content-Length: 428
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=abcde12345
Content-Disposition: form-data; name="profileImage"; filename="image1.png"
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
{…file content…}

how would a spec state that the filename parameter in header Content-Disposition is required and explain special usage in a description? RFCs state that the filename parameter is optional. It's not clear how to express parameters for a header object.

spacether commented 3 years ago

If the Content-Disposition will be manually passed in by devs, how about setting it as type string in parameter.schema.type and set required to true in parameter.required. You could also add a regex pattern in parameter.schema.pattern that must pass for the value of Content-Disposition that describes the filename value as a string with length > 0.

Don't forget to include the body description like so. In openapi-generator in the python client. We have a spec like this:

        - fake
      summary: uploads a file and downloads a file using application/octet-stream
      description: ''
      operationId: uploadDownloadFile
          description: successful operation
                type: string
                format: binary
                description: file to download
        required: true
              type: string
              format: binary
              description: file to upload
lmmarsano commented 3 years ago

This doesn't match the request, however. It's multipart/form-data. I'm trying to follow the discussion on specifying headers for those. The header, Content-Disposition, is standard. However, the spec needs to say the parameter, filename, is required. I'm thinking the parameter object for the header would need some combination of style matrix and schema type object.

  required: true
        type: object
            type: string
            format: binary
        profileImage: # Property name
          contentType: application/octet-stream
          headers: # Custom headers
              description: part's filename
              style: matrix
              explode: true
                type: object
                - form-data
                - name
                - filename
                    const: ''
                    description: part name
                    type: string
                    description: name of file to be created
                    type: string

RFC 6570 says

If there is an explode modifier, expansion consists of appending each pair that has a defined value as either "name=value" or, if the value is the empty string and the expression type does not indicate form-style parameters (i.e., not a "?" or "&" type), simply "name".

However, this will put a ; before form-data, which is incorrect. Is there something like path templating for headers?

handrews commented 5 months ago

@lmmarsano unfortunately, there's no clear mapping from schemas or parameter styles into HTTP headers, in part because the syntax is pretty inconsistent across different headers. I think the best you could do would be to treat it as a string and use a regex 😕

github-actions[bot] commented 5 months ago

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lmmarsano commented 4 months ago

@handrews While I agree it's a challenge, it's not entirely inconsistent. The http specification defines a set of rules for the bulk of cases.

Regex complexity to account for these rules can be considerable. A regex-only solution may often force us to choose between

For clearer, more maintainable specs, I wonder about interest in making the language more aware of the http spec on headers.

While I understand OpenAPI specs largely serve http APIs with JSON payloads, the introduction states it's for http APIs generally, and this seems the logical place for rules in the http spec.

If the interest exists, I also wonder how we might best approach that

handrews commented 4 months ago

@lmmarsano I had actually been thinking about leveraging the rules for the common cases (RFCs 8941 and 9110) and having an extension registry for mechanisms to support more unusual cases.

We can keep discussing headers here to see if there is something that might fit in OAS 3.2 (possibly leveraging the registries).

For the bigger-picture questions of modularity and extension, I would recommend looking at the Moonwalk discussions, where we are discussing breaking changes for the next major OAS release.

lmmarsano commented 4 months ago

Cool, I didn't know about moonwalk. I'm seeing approaches suggested here overlapping with the inclusion principle, reuse of internet standards, and parameterSchema.

Based on the participation guidelines, a draft feature in the registry you suggested makes sense.

RFC 8941 is stricter and more structured, so it might be preferable.

handrews commented 2 months ago

For HTTP dates, yeah we'd need to add a format value to the registry, probably.

I think that RFC 8941 would be handled one way (with one set of format values as needed), and the "common rules" in RFC 9110 would be handled another. They're similar, but we'd want to make a distinction because of various subtleties. That might include not worrying about the distinction between quoted strings and tokens for 9110, but making that distinction for 8941.

This would be for 3.2 (at the earliest), so there's some time to think about this while we focus on getting 3.0.4 and 3.1.1 out the door.