OAI / OpenAPI-Specification

The OpenAPI Specification Repository
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Schema: Allow empty array for parameters #305

Closed webron closed 9 years ago

mhamann commented 9 years ago

So, this is being added to the spec? What's the timeline on this?

The petstore swagger.json on http://petstore.swagger.io is broken as a result of the change already being made to that file but not being referenced by the spec.

In the future, the spec really should be updated before the sample JSON is changed, since it will break anyone using it to test their products that are built against the spec.

fehguy commented 9 years ago

Matt, it is a bug. This is an OSS project so if the response isn't fast enough please consider a PR. I don't like having defects but it is inevitable

webron commented 9 years ago

@mhamann - FWIW, the spec was correct, the schema wasn't.

mhamann commented 9 years ago

@webron, thanks for the clarification. Glad to see the validators passing too :-)

JamesMessinger commented 9 years ago

When will the updated Swagger schema be published to NPM? The version on NPM is six months old and missing a lot of little fixes like this one.

webron commented 9 years ago

@BigstickCarpet - which npm is that? I know I've never published anything there.

JamesMessinger commented 9 years ago

@webron - I'm talking about swagger-schema-official. It looks like the npm package is owned by @mohsen1.

The package.json file is part of the Swagger-Spec codebase, so I assumed that meant the npm package was officially supported/managed by the Swagger team. Is that not the case?

webron commented 9 years ago

There's something behind there. In any case, we'll look into publishing it soon, though a couple of more fixes are pending.

JamesMessinger commented 9 years ago

:+1: Cool, thanks!

webron commented 9 years ago

It's actually help if you open a specific issue about it to make sure we remember.