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Template paths in tokenUrl parameter of security definition #551

Closed deefactorial closed 7 months ago

deefactorial commented 8 years ago

I'm running into an issue with the spec.


It seems that template paths are not allowed in the tokenUrl parameter of security definitions.

my use case is:

    type: oauth2
    flow: password
    tokenUrl: 'https://example.com/V2/user/{user_id}/oauth/token'

I'm not sure if it's a bug in the 2.0 spec or a feature for next version. What would be the best way to deterministically describe template paths to clients ?

deefactorial commented 8 years ago

tokenUrl is type string and format uri why does format uri not support RFC 6570 URI Template ?

whitlockjc commented 8 years ago

URI Template strings themselves are not valid URIs (strictly). Some of the characters used in URI Templates are special characters in the URI specification and require being escaped. The reason the paths keys are allowed to use { and } without issue is because it does not use the uri format: https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/schemas/v2.0/schema.json#L173

There are a number of other places in the issue tracker where tokenization of the Swagger specification is being requested so don't take my explaining "why" as us not being willing to support it.

webron commented 8 years ago

@deefactorial - the real question here is - do you just want to describe it as a templated path? If so, you can easily do so by escaping the URL according to the regular URI escaping rules.

If you expect an added functionality, such that the user should be able to specify the value for the templated path, then it would be a feature request for the next version. I've never really seen before the example where an OAuth2 token URL is personalized to the user - normally there's one end point for such requests. If you could provide more details as to why you chose to implement it this way (as it seems uncommon), it would help us in assessing it for the future. Of course, it could be a very common practice which I'm not aware of, and in that case I'd ask to see some references to usage out there or references to public documentation suggesting this form of implementation.

deefactorial commented 8 years ago

I understand that this is uncommon way of describing this particular end point. Since working with swagger to define my API I have re-factored the way I describe my end points. I find the easiest way to explain my model is to push primary key data into the path. the 'user_id' in my example is just one of those primary key data elements that needs to be known prior to posting to the API end point. without that information you can't post to the end point. It's more of a convention I use for my API.

I think the best way for me to write this in my API is to escape the template path and provide a vendor extension pointer to the operation id of the oauth end point in my API.

Something like this:

    type: oauth2
    flow: password
    tokenUrl: 'https://example.com/V2/user/%7Buser_id%7D/oauth/token'
    x-token-operation-id: oauth2tokenPost

With this I have a valid swagger definition, and if clients want more information on how to use the end point they can reference the operation id.

webron commented 8 years ago

Right, though that takes away from the ability to automate the process easily. Still doable, but just not as easy. However, there are so many design options out there...

I'm not sure if it would make sense to support it in the next version, but I'll mark it up for discussion.

fehguy commented 8 years ago

Parent issue #585

darrelmiller commented 7 years ago

I think doing password flow to obtain tokens this way is fairly unusual. Considering the additional complexity introduced by templating URLs, I don't think we can address this in 3.0.

deus-x-machina commented 5 years ago

Btw, templates do not work in server part of relative tokenUrl either.

For example

  - url: https://{customer}.example.com
        default: demo


      type: oauth2
          tokenUrl: /token
          scopes: {}

resolves to token url 'https://%7Bcustomer%7D.example.com/token'.

MikeRalphson commented 5 years ago

@deus-x-machina that sounds like an issue with the specific tool you're using - not the spec.

hellmelt commented 4 years ago

We have a system with a perimeter server, which passes requests to a farm of back-end servers. Each back-end server belongs to a specific tenant, and in the API we add the tenant name to the URLs in order to know which back-end to send the request to. In this scenario, we would like to also pass the authentication request on to the correct back-end system. I.e., the URL would look like

tokenUrl: https://www.frontend.com/{tenant}/token

So in this scenario I don't find it odd to have a parameter in the tokenUrl. I really hope this feature will be added.

dkirrane commented 4 years ago

This is a requirement for me for Keycloak multi-tenancy using realms. But also the keycloak server is different than the application server (we are using Kubernetes ingress host based routing).

So, I need similar functionality to the OpenAPI servers section. For example, I need to parameterize the tokenURL like this:


      type: oauth2
      description: This API uses OAuth 2
          tokenUrl: {protocol}://{server}:{port}/auth/realms/{realm}/protocol/openid-connect/token
                - 'http'
                - 'https'
              default: 'http'
              default: 'keycloak.company.com'
                - '80'
                - '443'
              default: '80'
              default: 'myTenant'              
          scopes: {}
rupamkhaitan commented 4 years ago

Btw, templates do not work in server part of relative tokenUrl either.

For example

  - url: https://{customer}.example.com
      default: demo


    type: oauth2
        tokenUrl: /token
        scopes: {}

resolves to token url 'https://%7Bcustomer%7D.example.com/token'.

Is there any way to read the template varaible in the client auth pop up window? With the swagger-ui-dist NPM module this is not reading the variable defined in the servers url and its creating trouble for us too

hkosova commented 4 years ago

@rupamkhaitan Swagger UI issue that you mentioned is tracked here: https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-ui/issues/4740

yesmarket commented 3 years ago

I posted this question on SO a while back -

Good to see other people are thinking about something similar.

One thing to keep in mind regarding the server templating; if you're using an external IDP (e.g. Auth0, Okta, etc), the IDP base URL would not be the same as the service/endpoint base URLs... this has implications for using the existing servers element, which is already used for templating of the service/endpoint base URLs...

cachescrubber commented 3 years ago

We have a dedicated Keycloak instance for our prod, stage and test Environment. The Server section does support this nicely using ServerVariables. So +1 for this enhancement from my side.

gkgeorgiev commented 3 years ago

We have a dedicated Keycloak instance for out prod, stage and test Environment. The Server section does support this nicely using ServerVariables. So +1 for this enhancement from my side.

Exact same case for my team as well! A vote from me as well.

MikeRalphson commented 3 years ago

Exact same case for my team as well! A vote from me as well.

Please use the GitHub reactions functionality on the original post. We can track that, whereas positive comments we can't.

halungge commented 3 years ago

What is the state on this one? I think the templateing functionality really is need for multitenancy application and support of different environments both mentioned above.

lucasvdh commented 3 years ago

Still waiting on this feature. Would be greatly appreciated!

My swagger-ui page can only be used to view my api documentation at the moment and it can't be used to interact with the api if someone has credentials.

thofil73 commented 2 years ago

I would also appreciate this feature, because I cannot use swagger-ui to interact with my different environments, which are DEV/STAGING/PROD:


tokenUrl: /o/token/

IMHO, the token endpoint should not be absolute, but relative to the selected server URL (analogous to the API endpoints), i.e. in my case: https://server.com/dev/o/token https://server.com/staging/o/token https://server.com/o/token

...just because authentication/authorization can be different in each environment.

iristich commented 2 years ago

I would also appreciate this feature, because I cannot use swagger-ui to interact with my different environments, which are DEV/STAGING/PROD:


tokenUrl: /o/token/

IMHO, the token endpoint should not be absolute, but relative to the selected server URL (analogous to the API endpoints), i.e. in my case: https://server.com/dev/o/token https://server.com/staging/o/token https://server.com/o/token

...just because authentication/authorization can be different in each environment.

Exact same issue in here.

anderson-marques commented 2 years ago

Same issue here. Multiples servers (per environment) that communicate with different authorization servers (also per environment). I would like to have something like this:

      type: oauth2
          tokenUrl: "https://{env}.authorization-server.bla/oauth2/token"
                        - 'dev'
                        - 'prod'
            my-things-api.read: read-only (get)
            my-things-api.write: write-only (put, post, patch)
            my-things-api.all: read-write (get, post, put, patch, and delete)
      description: This API uses OAuth 2 with the client clientCredentials grant flow.

The only alternative I found was to declare multiple security schemes with the same flow. What would be impossible if it was the case of a tenant.

PierreFritsch commented 2 years ago

To formalize the implicit requirement appearing in @dkirrane's and @anderson-marques's comments:

For parameterizing the tokenUrl et al. in the OAuth Flow object, it would feel most natural to me to have a variables object there, which would be working like the Server Variable Object used to define the variables of the url in the Server object.

dchicchon commented 2 years ago

Has this issue been resolved yet? I also am having the issue of being unable to use variables in my tokenUrl

AlejandroPOcz commented 2 years ago

Same here! 😄 I'm trying to specify different environments in the TokenURL section.

srgg commented 2 years ago

is there any ETA for that?

FH-Inway commented 2 years ago

Would also like to see this option in the specification.

saleynik commented 2 years ago


jgongo commented 1 year ago


jgongo commented 1 year ago

IMHO, the token endpoint should not be absolute, but relative to the selected server URL (analogous to the API endpoints)

This only makes sense when you are implementing yourself both the resource server and the authorisation server and they sit under the same domain. If you are putting them in different domains, or simply using a third-party authorisation server (like Auth0), the authorisation and token endpoints won't be relative to the server URLs.

handrews commented 7 months ago

I am fairly certain that if this is to be addressed, it will be done in OAS 4 Moonwalk under the separation of concerns principle, specifically separating API descriptions and deployments. This is a major redesign of what's currently handled with the Servers Object and various bits related to security.

Since it seems pretty unlikely that such a complex change would make it into a 3.x, I'm going to mark this as "moved to Moonwalk" and encourage joining the discussion over there.