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Document errors that could occur within 4xx/5xx #567

Closed jharmn closed 3 weeks ago

jharmn commented 8 years ago

In providing quality documentation, it's necessary to provide more than "400 - Bad Request". Usually, an error object defines a key which indicates more specifically what was wrong (this applies to 5xx range as well), usually referred to as an 'error code' (not the HTTP status code). In addition, when testing for whether a given error is intended to be produced by a given operation, it's helpful to have the verb/uri/status correlated to a given 'error code'. At a minimum, all potential 'error codes' should be documented for a given API (realm of verbs+uri's+statuses). These 'error codes' could be numeric (e.g. 100100) or strings (e.g. AUTHORIZATION_VOIDED). The field/key they are mapped to could be variable, such as code, name.

Examples: https://developer.paypal.com/docs/api/#errors https://stripe.com/docs/api#errors

We store proprietary data to keep track of these correlations, at an API level (representing a group of verb/url/statuses):

"x-errors" : [
      "message": "Json request malformed.",
      "information_link": "http://developer.paypal.com/apidoc/invoicing#MALFORMED_REQUEST_ERROR",
      "details" : "The Json request is malformed. Please check the request and resend the request."
    // Long-list ensues

It would be very helpful to have the ability to specify what the 'error code' field is in error responses, and to provide a list of these errors. Defining them at a swagger.yaml level is a minimum, and at an operation/status level would be the most granular (probably useful in testing precision).

Perhaps in the spirit of #398, defining a global list of status codes would be useful, in addition to specific 'error codes'.

Shulamite commented 8 years ago

We extend this: http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-appsawg-http-problem/ and add a few additional fields.

webron commented 8 years ago

Parent: #566 (pretty sure you wanted to do that, @jasonh-n-austin ;)).

jharmn commented 8 years ago

@Shulamite in order to support different APIs, we'd have to keep the definition of the error object loosely coupled (i.e. just a reference to an error field which provides a unique index of the potential errors). Prescribing a specific API error standard would preclude any existing API that doesn't use http-problem from using OAS.

haack commented 8 years ago

Agreed, being able to define error codes at a top level in swagger.yaml would be extremely useful. Possibly in the definitions?

ivanrvpereira commented 8 years ago

One more here

arno-di-loreto commented 8 years ago

It's useful but isn't it too much specific? I mean every API handles errors differently (even if there's the RFC7807). BTW: I ended add an x- structure to my company OpenAPI spec to describe errors beyond HTTP status

tadhgpearson commented 8 years ago

I don't really understand what the issue is, is it just to define the HTTP status message?

You define an error as a model object through paths/{url}/{verb}/response/{status_code},

like this

          description: Valid Response
            $ref: "#/definitions/Response"
           description: Client input error
              $ref: "#/definitions/ClientError"
          description: Client or server error
            $ref: "#/definitions/Error"    

and then in your definitions

      - status
      - code
      - message
        type: integer
         type: string
        type: string
        type: string

Is this also to define a generic error set for all APIs, rather than having to do this at an individual request level?

raderio commented 7 years ago

Some news?

andy-maier commented 6 years ago

@tadhgpearson: Your example shows the current shortcoming: There is only one piece of information for each HTTP status code. Many HTTP status codes above 400 can have multiple reasons, each. These reasons cannot be properly documented today. What is needed is:

I definitely second the original request.

andy-maier commented 6 years ago

@jharmn This issue is marked with the "OpenAPI.Next Proposal" label. Does this mean it is being discussed for OpenAPI 3.1? If so, where does it stand?

supernova-eng commented 5 years ago

Would like to chime-in here and understand whether there is an active proposal for error codes in the spec. We are currently using something similar on docs.microsoft.com, however that is done with the help of an extension rather than natively.

macdaddyaz commented 4 years ago

I would love to see this make an appearance in the spec. My company, and plenty of others it seems, use structured messages to provide error details. The HTTP status by itself can only convey the nature of the error in vague, high-level terms. It's up to the response body (or custom headers, if that's your cup of tea) to provide more granular information to the caller.

I think @andy-maier really nailed it in his summary. What is needed is a way to globally define how error details are communicated (such as header names or body structure), and list all of the possible values. Then, each response can indicate which of those errors are relevant.

This information could then be used in a number of ways throughout the OAS ecosystem:

RFC-7807 has been mentioned on a couple of occasions, here and in #1392. I agree that specification can be useful, but by itself it doesn't accomplish what's needed. For one thing, the RFC only defines the structure of an error response, and somewhat loosely at that. A huge component of this request is to be able to describe the contents of the error responses. Furthermore, there are plenty of APIs out there that were either created before the RFC, or in ignorance of it.

With the caveat that I'm rather new to OpenAPI, something like this would make sense to me:

errorDefinition: # or errorScheme?
    - X-Error-Code
    - X-Error-Message
  # or...
      type: object
          type: string
          type: string
      # or
      $ref: '#/components/schemas/Error'
  identifier: ['code'] # Properties that are expected to be unique
    badEmail: # arbitrary, unique name
      code: '1234' # or X-Error-Code: ...
      message: 'Invalid email address' # or X-Error-Message: ...
    # ... and so on
# ...
            - $ref: '#/errorDefinition/errors/badEmail'
sedapsfognik commented 2 years ago

Would love to see this one in the next releases.

LasneF commented 8 months ago

not sure that this should goes to OAS spec, as the OAS spec does not dictate any model of resource , pattern , can be REST , can be RPC like

here it is munch more a topic of modelization that the OAS spec so far does not touch

@MikeRalphson : what about closing this ticket and if ever it s something considered as usefull , merge all the request and keeping only one alive ? this one looks pretty the same https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/issues/1392

LasneF commented 3 weeks ago

Closing this ticket as it pertains to error modeling. The OAS does not evaluate the quality of data or error models but provides tools for designers to create their models.

This concern could be addressed in an ‘API guidelines’ topic, which is not included here, as it is usually highly opinionated and debatable.