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Any plans for an OpenAPI language server protocol server? #36

Open jugaadi opened 6 years ago

jugaadi commented 6 years ago

A LSP server for OpenAPI would greatly benefit users who are regularly checking for Editor alternatives.


darrelmiller commented 6 years ago

This is really interesting. Thanks for the pointer, I hadn't seen this protocol before.

darrelmiller commented 6 years ago

@jugaadi I believe the Microsoft Autorest team are working on something in this space. Now I just need to convince them to make it public :-) /cc @fearthecowboy

disposedtrolley commented 4 years ago

Hello! Any updates on this one? We're building some tooling to help teams write better OpenAPI specs and an LSP server would be a tremendous help!

MikeRalphson commented 3 years ago

Paging @kevinswiber !

tonescones commented 2 years ago

@darrelmiller any update on this?

darrelmiller commented 2 years ago

There are quite a few OpenAPI extensions for VS Code now https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/search?term=openapi&target=VSCode&category=All%20categories&sortBy=Relevance I would check out the one for 42Crunch, it may have implemented a Language Server.

kevinswiber commented 2 years ago

No update on this. I need to find time to get back to the project. I've started with syntax highlighting for the different elements (semantically for OpenAPI, not just JSON/YAML). I'd like to work on an embedded language option to highlight Markdown where it's supported in the spec, as well. And then of course, reference and definition navigation, which I've begun. It still has a long way to go.

novoj commented 9 months ago

We're trying to find a student in the Czech Republic who will take up the challenge and realise it as their master's thesis. The task is described here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TO2Jc4xqNe3tw8odbroCwVklxLJ7JOL19Zle2-QKG9I/edit#heading=h.t2v82sdl2asi (Czech language only, as we're targeting Czech students - but we could provide English translation if you see any chance of being picked up by university in your country).

We'll see if we're lucky or not.

armsnyder commented 2 days ago

I started a project and implemented "go to definition" and "find references" for schemas and $ref. It only works with yaml right now, but check it out if you like. https://github.com/armsnyder/openapi-language-server