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Should OAI apply to FOSS Sustainability Fund? #38

Open handrews opened 2 months ago

handrews commented 2 months ago

Raised by @duncanbeevers in the TDC meeting:

Should OAI apply to FOSS Sustainability Fund? https://www.opentech.fund/funds/free-and-open-source-software-sustainability-fund/


Release: Software has been released for at least 3 years. Updates: The project pushes updates at least 4 times a year. Development: Active coding towards the software has occurred in the last 2 years. Userbase: The project has a substantial base of active users, if it is an app or other user-facing tool. Keystone technology: OTF aims to support projects with many dependencies, to maximize long-term impact in the broader FOSS ecosystem.

Note that "software" here actual includes specifications according to their web site. Our most obvious difficulty qualifying would be the release cadence.

Pinging @swaldron58 as GitHub won't let me assign this to you for some reason.

duncanbeevers commented 2 months ago

I sent an email to the Sovereign Tech Fund to see whether they're accepting new projects, what their application process is like, and to feel out whether the OAI is a good candidate for their support.

https://www.sovereigntechfund.de/about https://www.sovereigntechfund.de/programs/applications

swaldron58 commented 1 month ago

Won't let me assign it to myself either. But will work on it.

duncanbeevers commented 1 month ago

I received some feedback from the Sovereign Tech Fund requesting a short phone call. I don't feel qualified as I'm just a regular TDC attendee, but I'm happy to facilitate connecting the Fund with someone who can describe OAI and its mission.

I can be contacted at duncan@dweebd.com by a TDC member, and I'll loop in STF.

UPDATE; Stu Waldron has volunteered to have this discussion, and I've forwarded my communications.

swaldron58 commented 1 week ago

Update, sent a 2nd note to FIONA KRAKENBÜRGER of the Sovereign Tech Fund trying to get some guidance on how to present a compelling case for a grant. The window for submitting a request starts June 17th. Hoping to get some feedback from Fiona before that.

handrews commented 1 week ago


Best. Name. Ever. 🐙 🍔