OAI / sig-moonwalk

Version 4.x of the OpenAPI Specification is known as "Moonwalk," and has a goal to ship in 2024.
Apache License 2.0
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Structural improvements: inheritance on paths and its sublevels #115

Closed arno-di-loreto closed 3 months ago

arno-di-loreto commented 8 years ago

Based on @fehguy structure modification proposition on OAI/OpenAPI-Specification#563 and my ideas gathered while writing OpenAPI spec and writing my OpenAPI spec tutorial, I propose a new structure for the document.

Tony's proposal (focus on paths and what it needs):

  # paths object
  # parameters which apply to all operations
  # responses which apply to all operations
  # headers to be returned in all responses
  # security requirements which apply to all operations
# definitions
    # payload definition objects
    # parameters objects
    # responses objects
    # headers returned in responses
    # security definitions

On root we only keep:

  # OpenAPI version used by this document, replace swagger

  # existing info object + externalDocs which was on root level
  # ... same properties as existing info object
  # (existing) Moving externalDocs from root to info

  # improved paths object (see below) contains what was on root
    # parameters which apply to all operations
    # responses which apply to all operations
    # headers to be returned in all responses
    # security requirements which apply to all operations

    # payload definition objects
    # parameters objects
    # responses objects
    # headers returned in responses
    # security definitions

On paths, the idea is to extend what we already have with parameters declaration on path and operation level to everything that can be declared for an operation (parameters, responses, headers, ...) on all levels:

What we have now:

      # parameters apply to all operations
        # parameters apply to this operation

Extending this principle to all levels and properties in paths and its sub-level:

  # Everything on this level which is not a path, apply to all paths
  # We put here the things which were on root on Tony's proposal. 
  # Everything can be overridden by sub levels.
  (... various declarations like tags, parameters, responses, responses headers, security
  and new others applying to all paths......)
  # (existing) path object
    # Everything on this level which is not an operation, apply to all operations.
    # Everything can be overridden by sub levels.
    (... various declarations like tags, parameters, responses, responses headers,
     security and new others applying to all operations......)
    {operation like get/post/...}:
      (...operation properties, can override what was described on the upper levels ...)
        # Everything on this level which is not a response, apply to all responses. 
        # Everything can be overridden by sub levels.
        (... various declarations like responses headers and 
         new others applying to all responses......)
        {http status | default):
            (...operation properties, can override what was 
             described on the upper levels ...)
arno-di-loreto commented 8 years ago

parent OAI/OpenAPI-Specification#560

webron commented 8 years ago

It definitely looks cleaner, however:

arno-di-loreto commented 8 years ago
  globals (or shared or another word):
    # Tags, parameters, responses, responses headers, security
    # (which were on root on Tony's proposal) and new others applying
    # to all paths
    # Everything can be overridden by sub levels.
    globals (or shared or another word):
      # Tags, parameters, responses, responses headers,
      # security and new other things applying to all operations
      # Everything can be overridden by sub levels.
    {operation like get/post/...}:
          globals (or shared or another word):
            # Responses headers and new other things applying to all responses
            # Everything can be overridden by sub levels.
        {http status | default):
            # response object
webron commented 8 years ago
arno-di-loreto commented 8 years ago

First things first: thank you and all the team for reading my issues and giving feedback, there are so many issues and comments in this repo! It took me a long time to figure which of my ideas were already there ... and I missed some of them :-)

Here's the full 3.0 example based on the last file of part 6 of my tutorial:


IvanGoncharov commented 8 years ago

@arno-di-loreto Great proposal, it removes a lot of unnecessary duplication from Swagger files. But I totally agree with @webron on:

Another issue with both globals and consistency is that they are already inconsistent. security is overridden, parameters are added, for example.

But it's very easy to solve if we support default property along side with shared. And it will be very simple algorithm for figuring out values for particular operation:

  1. All properties inside operation used as initial values.
  2. Go one level up.
  3. Values from default set as property values but only if matching property is undefined at the moment.
  4. Values from shared prepend to the current value of the property.
  5. Repeat steps 2-4.

So path-level parameters from 2.0 will move to path-level shared. And root-level security will move to paths-level default. It will also allow for many other things that not possible in 2.0. For example, to define global OAuth scopes but allow individual operations to add their own.

P.S. @arno-di-loreto Such big code samples make Github issues harder to scroll. Can you please replace sample from your last comment with a link to a Gist?

arno-di-loreto commented 8 years ago

Thanks @IvanGoncharov . I've replaced the full example by a link to a gist.

handrews commented 3 months ago

I'm moving this to Moonwalk as big structural changes cannot happen before then.