OAI / sig-travel

A repo for managing the travel working group within the OpenAPI Initiative (OAI)
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IP and Licensing policy statement to add to git readme #25

Open swaldron58 opened 2 years ago

swaldron58 commented 2 years ago

We need to make clear given the variety of people and organizations involved in sig-travel that anything posted in git is by definition open and available to anyone. While this is obvious to many it is not understood by all. We need to protect OAI as a mistake could cause legal issues. The intent is to show reasonable efforts to warn participants what precautions they need to take and OAI is not responsible for content posted.

swaldron58 commented 2 years ago

some helpful content here https://www.openapis.org/participate/how-to-contribute/governance https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/LICENSE

swaldron58 commented 2 years ago

One more https://opentravel.org/about-us/code-of-conduct/

swaldron58 commented 2 years ago

For review by the team, here is the current OAI IP policy. a) All new inbound specification or code contributions to the OAI shall be made under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (available at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) accompanied by a Developer Certificate of Origin sign-off (http://developercertificate.org); b) All outbound specifications or code will be made available under the Apache License, Version 2.0. c) All documentation will be received and made available by OAI under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. d) If an alternative inbound or outbound license is required for compliance with the license for a leveraged open source project or is otherwise required to achieve OAI’s mission, the TOB may approve the use of an alternative license for inbound or outbound contributions on an exception basis. Please email licensing@openapis.org to obtain exception approval._

Is the above acceptable to the team when sharing anything on sig-travel GitHub?