OAI / tools.openapis.org

A collection of open-source and commercial tools for creating your APIs with OpenAPI - Sourced from and published for the community
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Register a tool in the repository at a given version of OpenAPI #6

Open SensibleWood opened 2 years ago

SensibleWood commented 2 years ago

User Story

As a tooling maker I want to register my tool's support for a given version of OpenAPI.

Detailed Requirement

The library gulpfile.js/lib/processors/awesome-openapi3-processor.js implements the method APIs.guru developed for collecting tooling through GitHub tags. This mechanism has legs as it is:

Proposal is to extend this so tooling makers can attest to a given version. We can dedup across versions in the build process i.e. it may see a repo tagged several times, but the metadata will only be pulled once.

Proposed values (for discussion):

This should allow the publication/ingestion mechanism to remain fairly straightforward and automated. The approach of course needs to be socialised with the community in an effort to get traction on tagging across repositories and repository providers.

SensibleWood commented 2 years ago

Prior to an approach being devised for #19 we'll focus on the existing openapi3 tag and add openapi31 to the build