OAI / tools.openapis.org

A collection of open-source and commercial tools for creating your APIs with OpenAPI - Sourced from and published for the community
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"Manually" add tools to the repository #67

Closed SensibleWood closed 1 year ago

SensibleWood commented 1 year ago

User Story

As a tooling repository user I want to see all available tools in the repository So I can make an informed decisions based on the data therein

Detailed Requirement

Currently the repository sweeps existing data sources (Implementations.md, openapi.tools, GitHub tags). We need a means to submit tools outside these sources.

As a first pass we'll use an Issue template and an automated process (OK a bot 🤨︎) to sweep tool request issues, run a DQ process and do PR and merge to main. This will help facilitate the work to do off-main builds as well (which is nice).

SensibleWood commented 1 year ago

Reopened as not complete (auto-closed)

SensibleWood commented 1 year ago

Functionality has now been merged to main and 1st two issues merged to list. Closing...