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Updates Openapi Json Schema generator #87

Closed spacether closed 10 months ago

spacether commented 11 months ago

Updates Openapi Json Schema generator Openapi v3.1.0 is now supported in that project per the latest release: https://github.com/openapi-json-schema-tools/openapi-json-schema-generator/releases/tag/3.1.0

spacether commented 10 months ago

@MikeRalphson @SensibleWood can I get a review when you have time? Thank you for your work on this repo!

SensibleWood commented 10 months ago

Hello @spacether thanks for looking at this. However the file you've amended is auto-generated by the yarn build:site command so it'll get wiped out on the next run (the build is failing atm btw as a restriction seems to have been introduced on the GitHub API regards number of calls in a given period - used to be within the limit, now not, needs fixing!)

I'm going to close this down and amend the data in src/_data/tools.yaml alongside fixing the build. I'd suggest you do it but I need to some re-plumbing anyway so may as well sweep it up. Hope that meets with your approval. I'll await your yay or nay before closing the PR.

spacether commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the feedback. How about I close this PR and make a new one per your and the readme's build instructions?

spacether commented 10 months ago

I replaced this PR with a new one per the above instructions: https://github.com/OAI/Tooling/pull/92