OASIS-learn-study / minecraft-storeys-maker

Minecraft extension to make your own stories in, with and for Minecraft - it's like being a movie director!
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java-client-demo #58

Open vorburger opened 6 years ago

vorburger commented 6 years ago

As the new Vert.x api/ progresses (#53) and once #41 is resolved, then I would like to build a java-client-demo - a simple Java main() which remote connects to a Minecraft server, via Vert.x, and runs actions from our Minecraft API such as showTitle (so NOT as an in-process plugin).

I'm not clear yet how this remote API would expose events, such as when Player joins...

This could also be handy to build a kind of test suite for manual testing - I imagine something like:

showing title in Minecraft in a loop, are you seeing it? [Y/N] running Minecraft command /time set day|night in a loop, are you seeing it? [Y/N] making entity named 'Piggy' say "oink, oink", are you seeing it? [Y/N] please open chat and run /test command please hold an Apple please right click something waiting for event player join, and checking last player joined, please disconnect and reconnect

@edewit FYI

vorburger commented 6 years ago


but how to make a "client" EventBus WITHOUT running an (incoming) HTTP Server?

probably need to re-use MinecraftVerticle and VertxStarter but without new ServiceBinder(vertx).setAddress(address).register(Minecraft.class, minecraftServerSideImplementation); ...

vorburger commented 6 years ago

FTR https://github.com/sebastienblanc/vertx-java-tcp-eventbus-bridge ? (from @sebastienblanc)

vorburger commented 6 years ago

so this would require https://github.com/sebastienblanc/vertx-java-tcp-eventbus-bridge/issues/3

vorburger commented 2 years ago

Or... maybe I'll try to do this without Vert.x? See #322.