Open andreina-covi opened 4 years ago
To execute this script I got an error:
| aBlock typeInfo | aBlock := [ | c | c := RSCanvas new. c addShape: (RSPieSlice new withBorder; externalRadius: 100; innerRadius: 50; alphaAngle: 0; betaAngle: 360). c ]. typeInfo := STypeInfo asTypeInfo: ( SSTypeCollector profile: aBlock onPackagesMatching: 'Roassal3-Shapes'). STestCaseFactoryPharo new targetClassName: #RSPieSlice; typeInfo: typeInfo; targetPackageRegex: 'Roassal3-Shapes'; outputPackageName: 'Generated'; numberOfGenerations: 5; numberOfStatements: 15; populationSize: 10; seedBlock: aBlock; generateViews; createTestCases; yourself.
To execute this script I got an error: