OBOFoundry / OBOFoundry.github.io

Metadata and website for the Open Bio Ontologies Foundry Ontology Registry
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Define some key OBO Foundry concepts #1448

Open matentzn opened 3 years ago

matentzn commented 3 years ago
Term Definition Distinguish from
OBO Ontology Ontology developed in accordance with OBO principles and accepted to be listed in the OBO Ontology Library. Can be serialised in any number of formats, including OWLXML, OBO, JSON and RDFXML. Ontology in OBO format, Open Biomedical/Biological Ontology
OBO Ontology Library The ontology library located [here](). OBO Ontology Registry (term used in README here
Ontology in OBO format An ontology serialised in the OBO format. OWL Ontology
OBO-compliant ontology An ontology developed in accordance with OBO principles but not accepted to the OBO Ontology Library.
Biological/biomedical ontology Any ontology in the biological/biomedical domain including open and commercial. OBO Ontology
Open biological/biomedical ontology Any ontology in the biological/biomedical domain, e.g. most ontologies listed in Bioportal, available under an open license. OBO Ontology
OBO Foundry Ontology Deprecation candidate: previously referring to an ontology that was reviewed through a specific OBO Foundry review process that has not been applied for a few years. OBO Ontology (parent term)

Hierarchy (adapted from @lubianat proposal)

lubianat commented 3 years ago

Nice, @matentzn , looks great!

I hope it is not pedantic, but maybe in the definition of "Open biological/biomedical ontology" could there be something saying that it is "openly available" or "available for general use" or "available under an open license" to clarify what "open" means in the context? Or maybe just adding "open" would be good enough, perhaps?

matentzn commented 3 years ago

Yeah adjusted that text! Good point.

mellybelly commented 3 years ago

This ticket could be tagged with a governance tag, as an example of one that needs community decision-making.

matentzn commented 3 years ago

Made a governance label and tagged!

nlharris commented 2 years ago

see also #148

nlharris commented 1 year ago

see also new issue #2199