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Request for new ontology [Exercise Medicine Ontology] #2615

Open DarkKnight0-0 opened 2 months ago

DarkKnight0-0 commented 2 months ago


Exercise Medicine Ontology

Short Description

A core reference ontology built upon BFO about exercise medicine and it contains the related terms for healthy people, people with chronic conditions and people living with diability to exercise.


The concept of "exercise is medicine" is gaining traction globally, highlighting the importance of personalized exercise prescriptions for better efficacy than standardized approaches. However, current guidelines often need more support for individualized prescriptions, posing a significant challenge. To bridge this gap, we gathered data from established guidelines, databases, and articles to develop the Exercise Medicine Ontology (EXMO), intending to offer comprehensive support for personalized exercise prescriptions. EXMO encompasses physical activity terms, health status terms, exercise prescription terms, and other related concepts. It has successfully undergone expert evaluation and consistency validation using the ELK and JFact reasoners. EXMO has the potential to provide a much-needed standard for individualized exercise prescription. Beyond prescription standardization, EXMO can also be an excellent tool for supporting databases and recommendation systems. In the future, it could serve as a valuable reference for the development of sub-ontologies and could facilitate the formation of an ontology network.

Identifier Space



CC-BY 4.0



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Ontology Download Link


Contact Name

Xingyun Liu

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OBO Foundry Pre-registration Checklist

ddooley commented 1 month ago

@DarkKnight0-0 Thank you for your submission. The review will be executed as a two stage process:

When a decision is reached by the committee you will be informed here on the issue tracker. The process can take any number of weeks or months, depending on the case at hand. Please let us know about any reasons you might have for increased urgency.

You will be informed once your ontology is loaded in the OBO NOR Dashboard.

Good luck!

anitacaron commented 1 month ago

Hi @DarkKnight0-0 You can check the OBO NOR Dashboard results here

anitacaron commented 1 month ago

@DarkKnight0-0 Please note that there's another step that runs a lexical matching tool to check for lexical overlap with existing OBO ontologies. The results will be available soon after 22 July.

DarkKnight0-0 commented 1 month ago

Thank you for the review. We have fixed the license problem.

pfabry commented 1 month ago

@DarkKnight0-0 The lexical matching hasn't find any duplicate in your ontology.

shawntanzk commented 1 month ago

Hi, just noticed that you used ODK (from this readme and the look of your repo), however, you do declare a lot of terms from other ontologies directly in your edit file rather than as an import. This is not directly a problem, however, according to principal 16 on maintenance, I would like to know how you plan to keep these terms up to date with the ontologies as they update.

PS I would also recommend using the ODK inbuilt dynamic import system which automatically does this. Hope that helps :)

pfabry commented 1 month ago

@jsstevenson has been assigned to review this ontology.

DarkKnight0-0 commented 1 month ago

Hi, just noticed that you used ODK (from this readme and the look of your repo), however, you do declare a lot of terms from other ontologies directly in your edit file rather than as an import. This is not directly a problem, however, according to principal 16 on maintenance, I would like to know how you plan to keep these terms up to date with the ontologies as they update.

PS I would also recommend using the ODK inbuilt dynamic import system which automatically does this. Hope that helps :)

Thanks for the advice. We will use the dynamic import system to update the next version.

jsstevenson commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @DarkKnight0-0 -- thanks again for your submission. Below is my initial review. You may use this issue thread to ask for clarification and/or to update us on progress. Please feel free to voice any other questions or concerns as well.


1. Ontology scope

2. Terms with the new ontology prefix

These must all be in the format of e.g. http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/EXMO_0000001.

I suspect there are several other cases as well. New OBO ontologies are required to only define new terms unique to their intended scope, and import terms from existing ontologies when available. If a term from another ontology is within its scope but its definition is somehow lacking, we would strongly prefer that you work with maintainers of that ontology to improve their definition, rather than creating a new, redundant term.

3. Correct use of imported terms

<owl:Class rdf:about="http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/BFO_0000019">
    <rdfs:subClassOf rdf:resource="http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/BFO_0000020"/>
            <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/RO_0000080"/>
            <owl:someValuesFrom rdf:resource="http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/exmo.owl/EXM_0000214"/>

Similar restrictions are added to BFO_0000034 and HsapDv_0000000. It's not clear why it would be preferable to further restrict the BFO "quality" concept rather than creating some kind of new class reflecting the particular type of quality that is associated with a person. Because this is a fairly significant case, I think it's reasonable to require that this is fixed, assuming there isn't a pressing justification.

4. Basic review of axiomatic patterns

5. Appropriate use of object properties

6. Responsiveness to suggested changes


Action items

wdduncan commented 3 days ago

Hello. We are checking in about the status of the requested update to your ontology. Please let us know if you have further questions.

DarkKnight0-0 commented 1 day ago

Hello. We are checking in about the status of the requested update to your ontology. Please let us know if you have further questions.

Thanks for your comments, the criteria is very clear and easy to understand. We will revise the problems and release a new version.