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Request for MOBIO prefix and purl #743

Closed arpcard closed 4 years ago

arpcard commented 5 years ago

We'd like to request a PURL and prefix in OBO for the Mobilome Ontology (MOBIO) we developed. Here is the information:

Ontology title: Mobilome Ontology Requested prefix: MOBIO Download link: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/arpcard/mobio/master/mobio.owl Homepage: https://github.com/arpcard/mobio Contact email: card@mcmaster.ca Mailing-list: https://mailman.mcmaster.ca/mailman/listinfo/card-l Tracker link: https://github.com/arpcard/mobio/issues PURL username: arpcard

Description: The Mobilome Ontology describes bacterial mobile genetic elements, their mechanisms, and associated epidemiology. It is integrated with the Comprehensive Antibiotic Resistance Database (https://card.mcmaster.ca), a curated resource containing high-quality reference data on the molecular basis of antimicrobial resistance.


arpcard commented 5 years ago

Can this be moved through and into OBO? Thanks!

cmungall commented 5 years ago

Apologies for the delay

Looking at the ontology, it seems there are a lot of terms that are already in other ontologies like SO. Do you have a plan for importing SO, or at least cross-referencing it?

pbuttigieg commented 4 years ago


On behalf or the OBO Operations Committee, I apologise for the long waiting period in processing your request:

As new requests have come in, it became clear that a revision of our policies for inclusion of new ontologies was needed. The current state of those policies is viewable here: http://obofoundry.org/docs/Policy_for_OBO_namespace_and_associated_PURL_requests.html

If you are still interested in pursuing a prefix and IRI handling service for your submission through OBO Services, please respond to this message within two weeks (when our next OBO Operations call will take place).

If we do not hear from you, we will close this issue; however, you can always reopen it if desired. Thank you and our apologies once again.