OBR110011 / OBR-Steuerberatung-Service-GmbH-Co-KG

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#L1-L80 #32

Open Abirhasankas143 opened 2 months ago

Abirhasankas143 commented 2 months ago


Abirhasankas143 commented 2 months ago


Several small gifs showing specific fades functionality

How to cleanly test a Python library from PyPI without having to install or create anything:

.. image:: testpylibnoinstall.gif

How to use a specific version of a Python library without messing your system:

.. image:: usespecificlibversion.gif

How to cleanly test a Python library from GitHub without having to install or create anything:

.. image:: testpylibgithub.gif

How to cleanly test a Python library without having to install or create anything and using ipython:

.. image:: testlibwithipython.gif

How to cleanly test a Python 2 library from PyPI without having to install or create anything:

.. image:: testlibpylegacy.gif

How to cleanly test multiple Python libraries without having to install or create anything:

.. image:: multiplelibs.gif

How to get a Python interpreter using some specific requirements:

.. image:: usingreqs.gif

How to make a Python script to be autonomous, not needing to remember any virtualenv details:

.. image:: autonomousscript.gif

How to create a Python web project using whatever Django specific version:

.. image:: createdjangoproject.gif

How to prepare your Python project for anybody to run it or its tests without any previous setup:

.. image:: projecttests.gif

How to open an isolated Jupyter notebook for Python with pandas, matplotlib and numpy:

.. image:: jupyternotebook.gif

How to run a modern timeit on a code snippet:

.. image:: moderntimeit.gif

How to use a library from a local branch, but isolated from the system:

.. image:: locallib.gif

How to automatically use the latest code to download YouTube videos:

.. image:: youtubedl.gif