It would help a lot to get a non-stereo search on Pubchem. Sometimes, structures that should be the same in PubChem have minor subtle differences and knowing that the structure exists on PubChem helps a lot.
So, the item "Search this structures on Pubchem" could be replaced by "Search this on PubChem (Stereo/without Stereo)" and the links with InChI key stereo/non-stereo are just under "Stereo/without Stereo".
It would help a lot to get a non-stereo search on Pubchem. Sometimes, structures that should be the same in PubChem have minor subtle differences and knowing that the structure exists on PubChem helps a lot. So, the item "Search this structures on Pubchem" could be replaced by "Search this on PubChem (Stereo/without Stereo)" and the links with InChI key stereo/non-stereo are just under "Stereo/without Stereo".