OCA / multi-company

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Multi-company product variant access error #585

Closed aleuffre closed 5 months ago

aleuffre commented 5 months ago


Describe the bug

Users without administrator access have an error when accessing product variants with company_ids set, when some of those companies are not active.

To Reproduce

Affected versions:

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

Assuming a DB with demo data such as runboat, with product_multi_company installed

  1. As admin user, create a product template.
  2. In the Companies field of the product template, select all 3 companies --> This means that users from any of the 3 companies should be able to see it
  3. Even if you only activate company San Francisco, the user can see all 3 companies in the
  4. Login as demo user (any user with multi-company access, but without administrator rights), only have company "San Francisco active"
  5. Try to access the product template you created earlier --> OK. in the companies field only "San Francisco" is shown
  6. Try to access the product variant related to the template (from the product variants menu up top, not from the smart button in the product template, they are different views) --> Access error related to trying to access the other 2, inactive companies.


Expected behavior User with only a single company active can see a product variant when the active company is among the allowed companies

Additional context

Administrator users can always see all companies even if they don't have them active, so the error is not present. For non-admin users, the error seems to happen when trying to read the field company_ids of product.product (and in fact, if the field company_ids is removed from the view https://github.com/OCA/multi-company/blob/14.0/product_multi_company/views/product_template_view.xml there is no access error anymore.

Upon inspecting the calls from the browser:

My hypothesis is that the problem is due to the nature of product.product as a model that uses delegation inheritance. The company_ids field is really memorized on product.template, and maybe that's why the companies are not being filtered correctly. I haven't had time to investigate further.

francesco-ooops commented 5 months ago

cc @pedrobaeza and @rousseldenis as authors/contributors for both modules :)

francesco-ooops commented 5 months ago

@pedrobaeza @aleuffre @ilyasProgrammer I can reproduce the error, here are the steps briefly:

install product_multy_company in a fresh db

1) create 3 companies 2) create product template with 3 companies 3) assign 2 companies to marc demo 4) try to access product variant with marc demo:

Due to security restrictions, you are not allowed to access 'Companies' (res.company) records.

For some reason, this does not happen in an environment with 2 companies + a product template with 2 companies + marc demo with access to 1 company (this could be the reason why this bug has not been reported earlier)


pedrobaeza commented 5 months ago

I have just done that in runboat with no luck:


What is different?

francesco-ooops commented 5 months ago

My runboat is baseonly (I only installed product_multi_company)

francesco-ooops commented 5 months ago

@pedrobaeza reproduced in v15 too (module does not exist in v16)