When migration is done from V10 to V11 it tires to search for color attribute inside tree view it tries to parse the xml and when it tries to parse xml in many cases it keeps parsing infinitely.
I can attach screenshots if required.
To be more exact replacing these lines "<tree(\n|.|\t)color=\"[^>]":
"color attribute is deprecated in tree view. Use decoration- instead.", in file migrate_100_110.py skips the parsing.
Let me know if I need to put in more steps for replication of same.
When migration is done from V10 to V11 it tires to search for color attribute inside tree view it tries to parse the xml and when it tries to parse xml in many cases it keeps parsing infinitely.
I can attach screenshots if required. To be more exact replacing these lines "<tree(\n|.|\t)color=\"[^>]": "color attribute is deprecated in tree view. Use decoration- instead.", in file migrate_100_110.py skips the parsing.
Let me know if I need to put in more steps for replication of same.