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Search Page (Amok): Feature Pages - bugs&issues #1393

Closed danmihaila closed 9 years ago

danmihaila commented 9 years ago

Pinging @mbellotti @cjhendrix I redeployed to dev the latest code and I found the following issues:

  1. in feature pages section (and tab) I see countries, organizations and tags instead of topics.
  2. I also updated 1 dataset and 1 indicator with "Food Security" topic and I couldn't see it on first page in ALL tab and in "Feature Pages" tab even if the indicator and dataset were there. Check this url: https://dev-data.hdx.rwlabs.org/search?q=food+security
  3. Instead of "Country Page" the text says "Topic Page"
  4. "Updated on" is not displayed for any entity (org, country or topic/tag).
  5. Counter for feature pages is removed. I think @cjhendrix decided to keep it there, but this is more a question if we need or not?
  6. When I performed a full search https://dev-data.hdx.rwlabs.org/search?q= it says that there are 1343 results, and when I am going to tab "Feature Pages" I see about 68 feature pages. How do we calculate this number?
cjhendrix commented 9 years ago

Regarding point 5, we did decide to keep it, but since it's not there now, and I don't fully get how we are generating the feature page list, let's leave it out for now.

mbellotti commented 9 years ago
  1. Can you please provide details on what you mean here? This is not possible and I'm looking at dev right now and all it displays are topics, countries and orgs. Are we talking about the tag icon? A screencap would be helpful if you can.
  2. Yes, not sure why this is happening ... although all the lowercase versions of topic tags might help fix it. Incidentally we need to fix the way tags are displayed on the dataset page as the vocabularies will not work with the same url pattern
  3. I already mentioned this in my update on.... Tuesday I think. I assume this is because @aalecs doesn't have an icon for countries?
  4. That's because there is no information on this and you told me to remove it
  5. I thought we did agree to remove it, but I can put it back if you like
  6. That is the number of topics + the number of orgs + the number of groups relevant to your search ... what else should it be? If you click on the datasets tab the count changes to reflect the number of datasets, if you click the indicator tab the count changes to reflect the number of indicators, if you click the features tab the count changes to reflect the number of features. Granted if you are on ALL tab the count is just indicators + datasets because it seemed confusing to include features but that can be changed easily if you disagree.
danmihaila commented 9 years ago
  1. I am pasting you here the topics from dev db
ckandb=# select name from tag where vocabulary_id is not null;
 Early Recovery
 Emergency Shelter and NFI
 Emergency Telecommunication
 Food Security
 Gender-based Violence
 Humanitarian Profile
 Mine Action
 Camp Coordination or Management
 Housing Land and Property
 Water Sanitation and Hygiene
(18 rows)
mbellotti commented 9 years ago

.....yes? Still not sure what the problem is. Phone call maybe?

mbellotti commented 9 years ago

1 and 2 are the same issue (kindof) Dan wants to know why certain topics are not coming up in search.

4) will try to see if I can find a date for this in the group object

5) putting the count back

6) Dan thinks the number of countries is too low (should be over 200+) Marianne thinks it's only the countries that have data in them. Will investigate :)

danmihaila commented 9 years ago

@cjhendrix - to answer if we going to keep or remove the counter from Features Page section



cjhendrix commented 9 years ago

Marianne can do what she thinks makes sense with the counter for now. After we are happy with the behavior of the feature page results, we can decide about the counter.